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Chassidus: Torah Ohr V'hinei Anachnu Mi'almim #10
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yocheved Kushner, for the z'chus that all the singles seeking their zivugim should find them quickly, smoothly and with clarity
This class was presented on Monday Parshas Shemos, 16 Teves, 5780, January 13, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Torah Ohr V'hinei Anachnu Mi'almim #10
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yocheved Kushner, for the z'chus that all the singles seeking their zivugim should find them quickly, smoothly and with clarity
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hindi -4 years ago
Maimar today was earth shattering for me. I will soon send u email about it. Thank you, thank you for revealing such truth that change the lenses through which I view the world God and myself. I will never be able go back and live in the world of yesterday after today’s maimar and I thank you for this.
I was crazy about the class today and my husband told me he is not sure he understood.
I told him the difference between him and me is that I grasp it first with my soul and then with my intellect. I surrender myself completely to the maimar and perhaps later it becomes intellectual. By him the opposite. I’ll soon send you an email how I understood it.
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Rachele -5 years ago
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Moshe -5 years ago
To return to one's source one must be mute
Against all the noise of the world, against all the expressions of who involved in speech, to return to one's source one must be mute. This goes against the grain (no pun intended from the title of the maamer), and the trend. To do so alone or with others requires a MUTINY (pun intended).
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Rachel -5 years ago
Wow!!! Wow!!!
I feel Godly revelation has descended into my soul and heart today!
Maamar today was earth shattering for me. Thank you, thank you for revealing such truth that change the lenses through which I view the world God and myself. I will never be able go back and live in the world of yesterday after today’s maimar and I thank you for this.
I was crazy about the class today.
I grasp it first with my soul and then with my intellect. I try to surrender myself completely to the maamar and perhaps later it becomes intellectual.
In my very narrow limited understanding of such heavenly matters, I realized in the teaching of the maimar that the first birur is a much more predictable journey. I’m in control and I’m climbing the mountain towards Echod and elevating all the nitzutzus from the world. I ( underlining I)can comprehend and I’m surrendering all Yeshes. I’m pursuing the ultimate surrendering and returning to Echod all the nitzutzus.
The second birur, I surrender control of my relationship with God. I no longer initiate.
I have to surrender the avoidah that I do with the existence of I. Without that surrender there might not be space for God’s love and awe to descend to return everything to the ultimate Echod. Because in this stage the I can’t exist, therefore I can’t prepare for this relationship, can’t predict it and must live in complete surrender from all aspects of existence: the deepest surrender of control, predictability, space, time and knowing. I must return as a fetus of God where all those aspects of existence were irrelevant, because I didn’t exist as a separate being from God. Like in pregnancy it’s only the mother that initiates providing and nurture, so here too it’s God that brings down all the love and awe.
It’s not a bitul of self expression to God but rather a bitul that is God’s expression.
We can perhaps bring this down to relationship as well. Only after the first birur can a relationship try to experience the second birur. The second birur is much harder. It’s about surrendering the I to the otherness. The amount of trust and vulnerability needed for that, wow!!!
To be in a relationship without needing to control it, predict it, expect it, pursue it, know it....or love how I want to love... But instead remain open for the mystery and curiosity of the relationship and make space to allow for the other partner to express himself, herself, how he or she needs to express the love that is experienced in the relationship. Oh! That makes for such a deeper, richer and much more meaningful relationship...
You mentioned that every time it’s time for the next stage of autonomy and development there is a need to cleave back to it’s source to find a new level of independence. I’m thinking to myself, wow!!!
Yes that’s how we can continuously re-emerge from the trauma of having to lose our identity and come out intact from that experience. It’s by always reconnecting to the Source that we can re-emerge unscathed and whole. Because it’s the sense of detachment and loneliness during our most challenging and painful ordeals that causes our body and soul to feel trapped in an endless traumatic experience that leaves us feeling broken, scarred and trapped in the past. Perhaps the healing might be to re-experience our trauma but this time in the healing set up that was meant to be, while cleaving, reattaching and reentering into God’s womb.
And perhaps then we will find the strength to re-emerge as new and continuing with the journey of life but now in a different way. Always knowing that during growth spurts we are never abandoned or disconnected from the Source. It’s in those times that we need to deeply reconnect with the Source like a fetus in the womb, that vital connection will allow us to once again re-emerge whole and reach our maximum potential to reach One-ness with One.
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