Women's Tu B'Av Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Shep Zebberman.
This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Va'eschanan, 12 Av, 5779, August 13, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Women's Tu B'Av Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Shep Zebberman.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
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Shlomo -3 years ago
Whats so especial about this family of 20 of Av?
Whats the special proof that the family from 20 Av was more special?
I understood because they were saving wood for the entire time until 15 of Av and aafterthat there wont be anymore aavailabl for the Altar, but from class, your explanation doesnt make sense to me, because they, as a family are allowed to chop wood for them even after 15 of Av, so we cannot say they wont have any wood for themself after 15 of Av, unless you have to say they saved the wood the whole time, or the best wood (the one without worms etc from before 15 of Av, instead of saving for themselves,) they gave (it) to the Altar..
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Menachem Solomon -3 years ago
Whats the Source?
Hey Rabbi Y.Y - love this Shiur. Do you mind sharing some sources to this Torah?
Thanks in advance.
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Moshe -5 years ago
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Rivky -5 years ago
Your classes are amazing!!
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Esther -5 years ago
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Yosef Lange -5 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
As I was reviewing this lecture a thought came to me. The word Truth has the word Ruth in it.
All the best and thank you for all you do.
Yosef Lange
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Moshe -5 years ago
Truth for it's own sake, not for reward
Question: Did yidden mourn and observe Tisha bav after the dying on that day stopped and they entered and conquered settled the land until Shiloh or the first Beis Hamigdash was built? Or during the first? Surely they did after the first destruction. Did they mourn and observe during the second?
Yes, Yom tov when stopping to cut wood. Why not Yom tov when starting to cut? Yes, cut off date, no pun intended, but was there a start date? Also, wood was only one of many things required to keep the Beis Hamigdash going. Annual half shekel collected for the budget. Why wasn't the wood in that budget? And surely many other requirements for up keep other than wood. Why was wood singled out for special attention compared to other needs. We don't only honor the shul donor who pays the heat, but also the donors who pay other bills.
Yes, it's hard work to chop wood in the heat of the summer. But a rich family who can donate wood for the entire nation, could hire workers for this lowest of professions?
Yes, we go for Truth regardless of reward. Actually sometimes going for Truth leads to the opposite, seemingly. ,
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Chaim -5 years ago
Source sheet or citations?
Is there a source sheet? or footnotes where the mishna is?
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