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You Feel Abandoned, Because a New Light Was Just Born

The Apparent Detachment of Your Teacher May Be the Moment of Deepest Intimacy

1 hr 16 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Friday Parshas Devarim, 8 Av, 5779, August 9, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • J

    JJ -5 years ago

    Hi Rabbi YY,
    Phenomenal maamer and shiur. You gave me a level of understanding and comfort I didn’t understand beforehand. The hard part is to internalize. But the understanding is huge. This is a trying time for me and I know it sounds crazy but I understand it a drop better and maybe appreciate it a tiny drop. 
    Thank you and all the best 
    A gut Shabbos 

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  • M

    Moshe -5 years ago

    If the talmid muvchak, or regular, must hear every word. How can he do this when many words of the mashpia are one word  answers (like "right")  to comments that cannot be heard, making it not understandable? 

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    Michael -5 years ago

    Really extraordinarily powerful and profound.  When I arrived here at the office, my assistant noted that I seemed unusually happy and radiant this morning. (They also asked me why I was late - LOL).
     And of course the message of today’s shiur can bring new enlightenment into R’ Akiva‘s words, and the famous response of  “Nichamtanu”
    That is, if we apply what we learned this morning, R Akiva was not giving comfort in the sense of telling the rabbis something to make them feel better, telling something new or an  extraneous piece of good news a la’:  “at least you ALSO  have this and this and something else to to be happy about which can balance your tears “.  Rather,perhaps  he was telling them that they misread the entire situation because they miss its pnimiyus. The foxes may externally -and strictly literally- evoke the prophecy of Yirmiyahu in Eichah, but in pnimiyus, behind those foxes lies in full force the prophecy of Zechariah “Od yeishvu...” (At least that is my understanding of the Makkos Gemara  based on what we learned this morning). The chitzoniyus, for which we cry, may be foxes populating Har Tzion,  while the pnimiyus can be the young and the old populating the streets of Jerusalem. 

    And of course, כדרכך בקודש, you have given me new light in understanding the great Ramban. His interpretation in כי תשא regarding חטא העגל-
    He has a whole long אריכות regarding the Jews searching for Moshe’s replacement when כי בושש משה. So they make a calf?!
    Explains the  Ramban- They were in the desert, which always operates על פי מידת הדין, which in turn issues from the north, which in turn is שמאל (when facing east), which in turn is the position of the שור in the מרכבה, which (שור) in turn  is עגל !! Hence in response to Moshe’s disappearance, and their need for guidance, they built an עגל. A bit far-fetched, wouldn’t you say?!
     But after today’s  shiur I had an epiphany,  based on what we learned, as to what might be behind all the  contorted reasoning and what might explain this cryptic Ramban and his understanding of חטא העגל. I  hope, Bl”n to be able to briefly share this with you tomorrow morning, Shabbos Kodesh 
    Wonderful wonderful inspiration indeed. I hope I will be forgiven for sounding so excited and uplifted during these nine days. Good Shabbos

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    Moshe -5 years ago

    Nadir, lowest point (opposite of zenith) in Yiddish is, I think NiDeRik. Same shoresh. GS

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  • M

    Moshe -5 years ago

    The mashpia was once a mikabel

    Of course the mashpia was  once a  mikabel, likely a talmid muvchak. And so on and so forth going back to Moshe and Yehoshua. The mashpia was  not born one. This is  not  only the  mesorah, but the best of  the  best  of  the  mesorah.

      And today's talmid muvchak is tomorrow's mashpia.

      The maamer talks about a  teacher and a student but this can also, perhaps apply,  between 2 teachers, 2 colleagues who give and take on a similar plane. A chavrusa at any level. 

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Maamar Reb Hillel Eisa B'Psikta #12

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 9, 2019
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  • 8 Av 5779
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Dedicated by Daniel Brudno.

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