Likkutei Torah Pesach Matzah Zu #10
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Daniel Brenkler, in honor of his Grandfathers Yaakov and Shmuel. Their Neshamos should have an Aliyah.
This class was presented on Wednesday, 12 Nissan, 5779, April 17, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Likkutei Torah Pesach Matzah Zu #10
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Daniel Brenkler, in honor of his Grandfathers Yaakov and Shmuel. Their Neshamos should have an Aliyah.
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Beryl Dovid -3 years ago
Vas zucht de rebbe
I'm sorry that the end R. Jacobson's presentations are often so rushed. He entertains and gives relevant psychological at length over the hours of a class on a specific maymar. Good. But often at the end of those hours what the Rebbe said, the chassidus, is rushed through. Yasher koach. Gud yontif
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