Likkutei Torah Pesach Matzah Zu #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Wednesday Parshas Metzorah, 5 Nissan, 5779, April 10, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Likkutei Torah Pesach Matzah Zu #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Jonathan Khoshnood -5 years ago
Question on the very last part of the class please !
Dear Rabbi YY Jacobson ,
Would you please translate the very last part of the class at 1.38.36 hour , where you are reading from one of your students I phone , then you start speaking in Yedish , that where I got kind of lost !
If you could translte the rest in engelish please ?
Your admirier
Jonathan Khoshnood
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Hindi -5 years ago
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Reb Aharon -5 years ago
Alignment of Ruchniyus & Gashmiyus
Chiropractic Unites Ruchniyus and Gashmiyus
The founder of chiropractic said “the purpose of the chiropractic adjustment is to unite the physical in man with the spiritual in man.”
There is a kavana some say before putting on tefillen that includes the words “haneshamah sh’b’mochi” – “the neshama that is in the brain”.
HaShem puts the life energy (chiyus) in the brain (moach). It then is carried down the spinal cord (chut hashedrah). The life energy then flows out along the nerves from the spinal cord to absolutely every tissue, gland, organ and cell of the body.
The back bones surround and protect the spinal cord and nerves exiting. When the bones are a bit (or a lot) out of place, the pressure on the nervous system causes an interruption in the flow of the life energy.
A chiropractic adjustment aligns the bones taking pressure off the nerves. This allows the life energy (ruchniyus) to flow more freely to each and every part of the body (gashmiyus).
This allows the gift of life energy HaShem gives to each person to express itself more fully.
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