Maamar V’Yadata Moscow 5657 #12
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rabbi Fishel Zaklos, in loving memory of his brother,Yossi Zaklos OBM
This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Bo, 2 Shevat, 5779, January 8, 2019, at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Maamar V’Yadata Moscow 5657 #12
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rabbi Fishel Zaklos, in loving memory of his brother,Yossi Zaklos OBM
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Moshe -6 years ago
"A real teacher teaches his talmidim to disagree"? Sorry, i disagree. The talmidim should only agree. So, i agree that talmidim should disagree.
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Mendel Zilberberg -6 years ago
Respectfully, Rabbi YY was speaking about Torah Giants - Once you recognize that there are many paths in Judaism that ultimately lead to the same goal, and once you realize that we have different neshamos that are drawn to different paths, you may begin to realize what Rabbi YY was discussing.
However, if you believe that Alu V'Alu is meaningless, that there is one path to judaism and that ultimate perfection is a system that stamps out identical people with identical beliefs - where Six Sigma would be the utimate - I inderstand why you have difficulty.
As an aside, if you are going to tell a Rebbe he is wrong, you might consider having the strength of conviction to actually give your name
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Moshe -6 years ago
I know some frum uber serious yidden walk around, the more somber the better. Its so depressing!
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