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With Each Metaphor, a New Identity

With Each Descending Step of Divine Energy, a New Layer of Consciousness Is Born

1 hr 45 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday & Thursday Parshas Shemos, 18-19 Teves, 5779, December 26-27, 2018, at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

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  • R

    Rochelle -6 years ago

    Listen Objectively

    Perception blocks
    Traps what you hear-
    Even ears can be
    Obscured from hearing

    Awareness of pitfalls
    When listening is
    Only perception of
    A different kind will enable
    An open mind

    But it's possible
    That a squatter came-
    Occupying space
    In your brain-
    With no eminent domain

    Stand up to recognize
    Your mind is compromised-
    Free up space and listen
    In good grace, face to face

    Knock, knock
    Integrity is here
    Open the door-
    Listen, a new Perception
    What else are ears for?

    Inspired by your maamer class today. Thx

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  • R

    Rochelle -6 years ago

    G-d's Parable

    Message: G-d's parable

    The one used
    When seeking to
    "Create you"

    Vessels appointed-
    Creatively jointed-
    Restrictions ad infinitum
    Spiritual-physical become

    The parable is G-d energy-
    Filtered through a screen
    Emerging humans-
    Divinely supreme

    Tzimtzum product.
    InFinite Copyright.
    G-d's parable, albeit.

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  • M

    Moshe -6 years ago

    In secular law also an "adverse  possessor " squats  on another's property  or house  without  permission.  In order  not to lose  rights  the true owner  must block him before 7 years  go by (or 25 years if public land). Therefore many owners who are OK with  letting him stay but don't  want to permanently lose  rights, simply  block  access once a year. A form of  "machaah," a protest.
    It could  be that  the  owners  of property in monsey who have short cuts thru  their  property  and who never block access have forever lost  the right  to do so  and this is  binding  on  subsequent owners!
    "Eminent  domain" is the  govt taking your property with payment  for a hiway , etc.,  although lately  they take it to allow  a developer  to build  a more valuable  building  that  increases  tax revenue.

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Maamar V’Yadata Moscow 5657 #8

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 26, 2018
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  • 18 Tevet 5779
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Dedicated by Michael Plotke in memory of his brother Kalman Yosef ben Gavriel, whose yahrzeit is the 17th of Kislev, may his memory be a blessing. And in honor of his parents, Chana and Gavriel, and siblings, David, Ilana,Raizy, Ben, Jochanan, and Hadassah, may they all connect and grow in the light of Torah.

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