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Day #3: Nobody Can Destroy Your Thirst

When You Have Something, You Can Lose It; When You Yearn for Something, You can Never Lose It

6 min

Class Summary:

The third episode of our Chanukah 5779/2018, a video a day series.

Nobody Can Destroy Your Thirst by Rabbi YY Jacobson

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  • A

    Alice -6 years ago

    Dear Rabby Jacobson

    Thank you very much for this beautiful verses to complement the Menorah litter 
    We are enjoying day by day the Hanukkah celebration 
    Wishing you, your family and the Congregation a Happy Hanukkah 

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  • G

    Gabriel -6 years ago

    To add:

    The word ratzon (desire) has the same gimatria as mekor (source) because the source of who you are IS what you deeply desire. You can't take away a person's essence, their core, who they truly are. So in turn, you can never take away their thirst, their desire, their want.

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Chanukah 5779 -- a video a day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 4, 2018
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  • 26 Kislev 5779
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