Gemarah Pesachim #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Toldos, 28 Cheshvan, 5779, November 6, 2018, at Beis Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Gemarah Pesachim #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Why does תוס׳ bring a גמרא in מגילה which is taking about day , and use it as proof for night as well.
He could just bring like רש״י the גמרא In ברכות, the first daf in shas, which is taking about night.
You Could he’s showing how ALSO the גמרא In מגילה proves it. But who cares? and he dosnt even mention ברכות at all.
קצת פלא בעיני
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Please post source sheets
it sweetenes the shiur .
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