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Why Do We Search for Chametz? Why Do We Nullify Chametz?#1

The Views of Rashi, Tosefos & the Ran - Pesachim 2a

2 hr 8 min

Class Summary:

These classes were presented on Monday & Tuesday Parshas Chayei Sarah, 20-21 Cheshvan, 5779, October 29-30, 2018, at Beis Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.



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  • CB

    Chaim Bochner -5 years ago

    Gluten Free

    PLEASE be careful with Gluten Free because it DOES need bedikah since OATS are included as a GF product!!!

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  • MF

    micro fox -6 years ago

    It's interesting that the Torah itself would make a siyag around a Mitzva, when we do not find it in other area of similar severity of Kareth, like Shabbat, min Ha Torah mukse isn't an issue which is similar to having Chameitz around during Pesach, why didn't the Torah forbid moving, touching mukse?
    Must be more to it than this phsat, It is taught that the inyan of Chameits is of Gaiva, during Pesach we aren't allowed to ingest Gaiva, now is the not having Gaiva around in order that it couldn't potentially be absorbed into us or is it that the very presence of Gaiva itself has it's own effect?

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Gemarah Pesachim #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 29, 2018
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  • 20 Cheshvan 5779
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Dedicated by Daniel p Van praag, for a Refua shlema for Menachem Mendel ben Miriam Rachel

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