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Your Thoughts Affect Your Reality

I Always Have Exactly What I Need -- Unless I Think Otherwise

1 hr 12 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Behar, 20 Iyar, 5777, May 16, 2017, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY. It explores a teaching in Noam Elimelech, in the name of Reb Zusha of Anipoli, concerning the question in Parshas Behar, "What will we eat?"

Please leave your comment below!

  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Rabbi, thank you so much from a very grateful Noahide 

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  • GZ

    giacomo zippel -4 years ago

    Question in Chumash

    Moshe Rabbenu : " veim lo yaminu"...

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  • TS

    Tirzah Smith -5 years ago

    toda raba

    Thank you for feeding my soul with words of Torah.  Yasher koach~

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  • M

    moshe -6 years ago

    People Starve

    You say that one can either rely on the Aibishter for food, etc., or worry. Animals don't worry, only people do. And one shouldn't worry.
    Yet people starve to death all the time. I think I just read last week that 400 horses died out west from thirst. 
    Justified worry prompts effort to correct the situation, and Hashem wants us to make a keli, no?

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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    Your thoughts reflect your reality

    I have listened to this class twice today. I am just beginning to learn about Chassidut so this may be an ignorant comment..for me this unbelievably powerful lecture captured the essence, the core of Cassidut teaching us about our relationship to God, to the world and to ourselves.

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 16, 2017
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  • 20 Iyyar 5777
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In the loving memory of Reb Gershon DovBer ben Reb Simon, in honor of his yartziet on 20 Iyar.

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