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The First Manual for Addicts

Who is Responsible for Addiction?

56 min

Class Summary:

In a class presented to women in 2011 (5771), we explore a rather perplexing verse in the Parsha of Behar. When a Jewish slave is sold to a non-Jew, the relatives listed in Torah to redeem him are his brother, uncle, and other relatives. The father is omitted! This class dissects the nature of an addict and who can help him/her out of addiction.


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  • D

    David -9 years ago

    at 17:15 a phone rings then a woman has a conversation on the phone for a half hour in the audio. Don't you know or listen to your broadcasts?

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 11, 2015
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  • 22 Iyyar 5775
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