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Basics of Emunah #12: Are We the Chosen People?

Can You Believe in Chosenness without Being Racist?

1 hr 39 min

Class Summary:

4 week series of classes on The Basics of Emunah at 20 Forshay Road, Monsey. Thursdays at 8:30pm, followed by Q A. March 16, March 23, March 30 and April 6. For Men, Women and Teenagers (separate seating). You can send questions in advance by email to [email protected] or submit written questions before or during the presentation. Anonymity of the questioners will be respected. Hot food will be served. No registration of fee required.

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  • A

    al -5 years ago

    jewish sectors


     Jews had a system of power and authority before Jesus.


     They had, power, and a political system of education and rank with the pharisees .


     Basically Jesus came along and so did Christianity. It praised a different god of holiness,


     family, and faith.


     The Jews didn't want to change what they had before Jesus. So a lot of the Jews


     Today are hated by Americans because we think they don't believe in Jesus Christ.


     Jews believe in Jesus Christ it's just they don't follow him or worship him.


    Jews also have knowledge of Abraham and Jesus father Joseph was with a lot of the Jewish as well.


     Catholics of course acknowledge nuns who weren't even thought of in Israel or Nazareth. That is why


     some romasn disliked Jesus, because they thought he was Jewish.



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  • B

    Benny -6 years ago

    Right off this guy is showing me he is ignorant to Gods word , First the Jews in the old testament Jews rejected Christ as the coming messiah and then God turned to the gentils because they believed in Him,  God cast the Jews out until the time is right to bring them back unto Him as He said , God say`s I have not cast them off for ever but will bring them back to their home land Israel and it is happening , He said I will be their God and they my people and I will put my laws in their hearts and they will believe in me and I will be their God.  I stand on Gods word over any man trying to make himself a name . Bible say`s we should study to show ourself approved of God a workman needing not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth . 


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  • EB

    Edward Boothe -7 years ago

    If Lucifer is the god of the Jews, as some people claim, then it would be reasonable to believe that they were the chosen people of god.

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  • JK

    joseph klein -7 years ago

    Thanks From superior plumbing in monsey

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

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