Yossi Paltiel
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Maamar Bereishis 5715 - Class 3
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Shavuos Women's Class/ Mei Hashiloach Bereishis
What Did You Need to Hear When Your Embryo Was First Formed?
When We Learn Torah, We Can Travel Back to the Moment of Conception, Experiencing Pure Love and Oneness
Chassidus: Torah Ohr Lo Teheye Meshakala #6
The Tree of Knowledge: The Genesis of Self-Consciousness
The Moment Addiction Was Born
Likkutei Torah Shlach Mekosheish Eitzim #8
From the Tree of Knowledge to the Tree of Life
When the Snake Invented the False, Narrow Sense of Self
Likkutei Torah Shlach Mekosheish Eitzim #7
Friday Night -- The Tree of Knowledge; Shabbos Day -- The Tree of Life
Why Is Harvesting on Shabbos So Serious a Violation?
Torah Or
Torah Or Bereishis Bhiur Ki Kaasher #4
Get Ready for a World Completely Refined
Torah Or Bereishis Bhiur Ki Kaasher #2
Deveikus Vs. Bitul
Torah Or Bereishis Bhiur Ki Kaasher #3
Birur Vs. Hiskalelus
Torah Or Bereishis Bhiur Ki Kaasher #1
How The Alter Rebbe Presented His Maamarim
Torah Or Bereishis Maamar Ki Kaasher #2
A New Heaven and a New Earth
Torah Or Bereishis Maamar Ki Kaasher #1
Earth to Heaven; Heaven to Earth
Maamar Bereishis 5715 - Class #4
The Ultimate Knowledge is Ignorance
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