Shavuos Women's Class/ Mei Hashiloach Bereishis
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Carol Okolica in memory of her dear parents, Shalom ben Binyamin HaLevi and Beryl bas Dovid whose yartzeits were yesterday, Chof Vov Iyar, and today, Chof Zayin Iyar
This Pre-Shavuos Women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Bamidbar, 27 Iyar, 5784, June 4, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Shavuos Women's Class/ Mei Hashiloach Bereishis
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Carol Okolica in memory of her dear parents, Shalom ben Binyamin HaLevi and Beryl bas Dovid whose yartzeits were yesterday, Chof Vov Iyar, and today, Chof Zayin Iyar
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Erik -9 months ago
Dear,Rebbi,Besides washing hands and rinsing mouth is there anything I should,can,do to show my gratitude and respect to GOD before I pray in the morning.Thank you so and much for the hours and hours of dedication in teaching us,Thank you.
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Alter Egoz -9 months ago
Dovid Hamelech says my parents have abandoned me
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Golda -9 months ago
This session...
Soo vital...THANK YOU!!! I'd appreciate a " hard copy" of this lesson.
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