Class Vayeira/Chayei Sarah/Vayeishev/Tzav
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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The class, presented Sunday Parshas Vayeira, 12 Cheshvan 5777, November 13, 2013, at the Ohr Chaim shul in Monsey, NY, explores a rare musical note in Torah, found only four times in the Chumash, depicting four people facing a moment of crisis and truth.
Class Vayeira/Chayei Sarah/Vayeishev/Tzav
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Moshe -5 years ago
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Rabbi YY -5 years ago
Yes, see Sefas Emes opening of Parshas Tetzaveh, about the deeper element of Moshe's struggle.
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sammy -6 years ago
Firstly, I want to tell you that your Parsha shiurim have inspired me more than you can imagine; my commute to work (in London) is now filled with your sweet words of Torah. I can’t thank you enough!
I had the wonderful zechus of listening to your idea about the ambivalence represented by the Shalsheles in Sefer Bereishis. I had a thought relating to this idea that I thought I would share to see what you think! If you look at these instances of ambivalence/shalsheles, it appears to be 3 types of ambivalence. The first, of Lot, is an ambivalence brought on by a desire for Kovod (as you said - he had just been made a judge). Eliezer’s ambivalence has an element of Kin’ah - he desired Avraham’s son for his daughter. Finally Yosef - he was driven by Ta’avah - an innate desire to sleep with Eishes Potifar. It is no coincidence that this corresponds with the Mishnah in Avos that says that Kinah, Taavah and Kovod take a person out of this world. It is these moments of ambivalence precisely in these spheres that the Torah Is teaching us to be particularly wary of, because they can have to most deleterious impact on the path that our life will take.
Again, thank you for publishing your shiurim online!
Kol tuv
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Meir Hai Thomas -8 years ago
תודה על השיעור המקסים והמרתק!
תודה על העדינות שבה הוא נמסר!
תודה על האוויר הצח שאתה משיב עלינו כל שבוע!
ובכן מנקודת השיעור אפשר לשאול למה לא נמצא שלשלת על ״וישלח אברהם את ידו...״ או פסוק אחר מהעקידה שבה גם נמצא אותו קרע פנימי?
בתודה מראש!
מ. ח. טאמאס
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Eziel -8 years ago
There is a typo in the date. it should be november '16 or Chesvan 5773
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Nate Offenberg -8 years ago
Amazing, amazing class. This audience does not normally give ovations.
Thank You Rabbi,
Nusi Offenberg
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