Likkutei Sichos Vayeira/Chayei Sara
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Liz and Dr. Michael Muschel, in loving memory of Rebbetzin Sara Muschel, Sorah bas R. Yechiel Mechel, for the yartzeit on 23 Cheshvan
This advanced text-based class on Likkutei Sichos vol. 35 Vayeira explores the essence of the mitzvah of Chinuch, which is a rabbinic obligation. How does the Torah expect a child who reaches the age of Bar or Bas Mitzvah to just "hit the road running"? Does this child not need the time to "learn the ropes"? The answer to this question gives us deep insight into the process of growth and all of our experiences of trial and error. It also explains the first forty years of the life of Avraham when he was involved in idolatry, searching for the truth. How can we say that all his years were wholesome when he was entrenched in idolatry in his early years?
Likkutei Sichos Vayeira/Chayei Sara
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Liz and Dr. Michael Muschel, in loving memory of Rebbetzin Sara Muschel, Sorah bas R. Yechiel Mechel, for the yartzeit on 23 Cheshvan
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