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The Olive Was Squeezed and the Oil Flowed

The Liberation Day of the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schnuer Zalman of Liadi, 19 Kislev, 1798

1 hr 1 min

Class Summary:

The Olive Was Squeezed and the Oil Flowed - The Liberation Day of the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schnuer Zalman of Liadi, 19 Kislev, 1798

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    Anonymous -12 years ago

    non Jews and free will.
    Comment made by: Karen

    Subject: goyim have no free will

    Message: B"SD

    Hi Rabbi Paltiel,

    Thank you very much for your amazing classes.  I was wondering what you meant when you said that goyim have no free will and that that is how the Alter Rebbe knew that Beis din shel maalah vindicated him... Do you mean they have no free will at all?  They do have Noahide Mitzvos...


    There is a huge misconception that must be cleared up about free will.


    This is, that so many people assume that one has free will unless Hashem curtails it, and this is untrue. Moreover if you analyze free will deeply enough you’ll understand logically that this idea is illogical.

    The truth is, that God must give us free will, and if he doesn’t we don’t have it. Naturally we are bound by the laws of our existence (nature, the universe and God’s rule etc.) and free will which frees us from these constraints is not only given by God but is Godly. This means, that He gives us of Himself to allow us freedom (as he, ands only He) posses it.

    Now, according to Chassidus, this freedom is granted only in matters of service to our Creator, as the Gemara says it: ‘Hakol Bidei Shamayim Chutz MiYiras Shamayim’ [all is in the hands of Heaven other than the fear of Heaven].

    This rule applies equally to a Jew and a non-Jew. When our 613 Mitzvos are being weighed by any Jew, or a non-Jew weighing his 7 Mitzvos, he is granted free will there, and only there See the Rebbe’s letter at the back of the Basi Ligani 5713 that many are learning this year.

    Accordingly, issues that are Mitzvos for Jews and not for non-Jews, the non-Jew has no free will about.

    So, as relates to the Alter Rebbe and Chassidus (vs. the Misnagdim) the non-Jews have no free will.

    I hope this suffices.


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    ari -12 years ago

    todah rabah,

    very educationial and crisp clear as always

    kol tuve

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    abe -12 years ago

    you are just amzing

    thank you

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Yossi Paltiel

  • November 30, 2012
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  • 16 Kislev 5773
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