Yossi Paltiel
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Dedicated by "THE CHANIN FUND" In honor of Menachem Mendel Stern on the occasion of his birthday 14 Kislev. May he enjoy a year of health, wealth and happiness
Understanding The World Of Dreams. Torah Or Maamar Shir Hamaaloss: Why Was Joseph Always Dreaming?
Yossi Paltiel
Dedicated by "THE CHANIN FUND" In honor of Menachem Mendel Stern on the occasion of his birthday 14 Kislev. May he enjoy a year of health, wealth and happiness
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David Benveniste,HaLevy,Tsfat -11 years ago
Dream of the Rebbe
I dreamed of the Rebbe,so there can be no distortion or untruth..
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Chayamiriam -12 years ago
why so much trickery in our parshas?
This is completely off subject, but I would like to know why there is so much trickery in our parshas? It seems that in every single parsha, there is dishonesty being played out - and by our biggest tzaddikim... I know there is a reason for everything in Torah, so I would like to know the reason for this.
Thank you
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ChannahLeah -13 years ago
Yet, our G-d did keep His word and send Moshiach exactly when the Prophets said He would come! We are the ones who rejected Him!
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Chaim -13 years ago
Devorah Chana's Question
1) Regarding the laws of leprosy; in the portion of Leviticus there are detailed processes as to how a leaper should be dealt with until he his completely healed. e.g. excommunication from the Jewish camp etc. I imagine that in such a case that you present the brother would be exempt from performing such the mitzvah of Levrate Marriage until he is "spiritually" clean and fit.
2) Your question about the death penalty or capital punishment is a general question as to how do we explain this entire notion to begin with. Ie. How to we legitimize such acts of punishents given that in today’s society they would be considered barbaric and cruel. Since it is a day commemerting the Baal HaTanya I will mention what he wrote regarding the punishments that were given in Temple times compared to today during the two milleniea of exile when we sin as much or even to greater degree but are not subject to same severe consequenses such as the 39 lashes stoning etc. that were carried out in Temple times. The Alter Rebbe (Baal HaTanya) explains that in earlier times the connection a person had to G-d was more evident than the connection we have today. For that reason when a Jewish person sinned the severed connection was more blatant and therfor the effect of rectfying that “blemish” was expressed in very concrete and severe ways. Today during our long exile our connection to G-d is not as revealed and sensitized as days of yore. Therefor that disconnect that we expirience during times of sin is not felt as as much and therefor is not treated with the same harsh consequenses. I hope these brief points bring some understanding to a subject matter that needs more in depth study.
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theresa -13 years ago
Have we betrayed G-d or......
G-d bless the House of israel and happy chanukka to you rabbi. a wonderful lesson. truly inspiring. it was placed at the shiratdevorah.blogspot.com
you wrote of G-d and the jews. no matter how cruel most of the 70 nations were to the jewish people from its inception it would have been strengthening to us believing gentiles if you had included us too, i.e. by our attachement to the jewish people and our 7 laws which is also enshrined in your 613 laws. blessings.
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mendy -13 years ago
rashab dream
where can i find the stroy of the rashab's dream of meeting all the rabbeim printed?
thank you for an uplifting shiur!
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Anonymous -11 years ago
Re: rashab dream
Sefer HaMaamarim 5709 page 92 ff.
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sarah cohen -13 years ago
yasher koach
have a good yom tov, please dont stop your beautiful chassidishe dvar torahs, they inspire so many of us!!!! this one is particularly so special cause it makes us feel great at a moment that we know we have done wrong! !! I know you will find the right words to inspire the person that commented before me at their level. My only struggle is on a personnal level cause youd tet kislev is as well my personnal chag hageula i got divorced on you chet kislev last year and it will allways be my anniversary of geula. i have six beautiful children and had the rebbe's bracha to get married, yet i feel a real geula by being divorced. I know a chossid doesnt ask why but i just want to get rid of the pain, and thank you so much cause each of your dvar thoras comforts me so dearly.
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devorah chana -13 years ago
Marriage to a brother
Well, this is a bit off of the subject, but what if the brother had been a lepor? Would a woman still have to marry him? Wouldn't that threaten her own life. Many women of that time were put into horrible circumstanced because the Rabbi's thought they were better off married. They weren't asked.
Also what do you make of a society that would put a woman to death under these circumstances or ANY circumstances. We have learned a little since then about how humans develop and gain understanding. What kind of a G-d would have allowed this???
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Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago
No suffering in Galus?
Yoa said, Rabbi Paltiel, that American Jews are not suffering. But I think the fact that they are thinking and feeling that they are not suffering in Galus is itself, the suffering.
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Arnold -14 years ago
Video Download Failure
I've attempted to run this shiur at least three times, and every time it runs flawlessly until just under 20 minutes, then it stops. It doesn't even attempt to start up again even after giving it many minutes for the download to catch up. It just doesn't. What a shame since the shiur really captured my attention.
I've run the speed text on my computer, and I am well within the download parameters for flawless viewing of any video.
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Nechama -14 years ago
Did speed test
Michoel, the test rated down as 3.37 and up as .73 ... So, what does this tell us? You can reply to
Nechamasarah@ yahoo.com
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Nechama -14 years ago
Re speed
Forgot to mention, it happens also with this site's Mp3s
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Nechama -14 years ago
Michoel and Michale: I am in Eretz Yisrael and it may have something to do with the Bezek Internet setup. I have no trouble with YouTube or other news videos, just with this site. Plus I am on an iMac with Safari.
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Michoel -14 years ago
RE: Speed of video
I had the same issue. The reason, most likely, is that your download speed is too slow. When I switched to another ISP with a faster download speed, the problem went away. To measure your download speed go to www.speedtest.net. Ideally you should have 2 - 3 mb/sec download speed for the video to float smoothly.
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great shiur -14 years ago
love it
this is a great shiur! i love how he reads inside its amazing! great for skills etc! nothing like learning inside!
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Michale -14 years ago
To Nechama
I don't have any problems with watching video and listening sound. Maybe you problem was cause by old software installed or computer itself...
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Nechama -14 years ago
speed of video
I suggest that you find a way to speed up the "downloading" of the video, but leave the "play" at the same/slower speed. It needs to be syncrasized so that the video can flow just behind the downloading. Otherwise, it cuts off every few miliseconds, waiting for the downloading. They should not be both at the same speed. It is very frustrating, cannot listen properly, takes hourrrrrrrrrs to listen to it. PLEASE
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Admin -14 years ago
The Mp3 is availble for download right after the class.
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Faigy -14 years ago
How do I play this on my itouch?
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Dovid -14 years ago
when will you make available an MP3 file for downloading? this Shiur is incredibly Good. Thank you everyone that is involved!
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Avrohom -14 years ago
My Curriculum is coming up as a black page??
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Moshe -14 years ago
Always a great shiur. Really looking forward.
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Avraham Schwartzberg -14 years ago
Always good.
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