Class Devarim
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov Rabbi Gavriel Noach and Rivki Holtzberg and all of the Mumbai Kedoshim
Why Is Israel Scared of the Truth? - At the end of the day we have one moral argument. Why don’t we use it?
Class Devarim
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov Rabbi Gavriel Noach and Rivki Holtzberg and all of the Mumbai Kedoshim
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Malkah Gittel -1 year ago
Several years ago, Ernest Gold wrote a song which accompanied the movie "Exodus".
It's the song of the Jewish soul:
This land is mine, God gave this land to me
This brave and ancient land to me
And when the morning sun reveals her hills and plain
Then I see a land where children can run free
So take my hand and walk this land with me
And walk this lovely land with me
Though I am just a man, when you are by my side
With the help of God, I know I can be strong
Though I am just a man, when you are by my side
With the help of God, I know I can be strong
To make this land our home
If I must fight, I'll fight to make this land our own
Until I die, this land is mine
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Drora K. -5 years ago
It says that the third temple would be achieved by our efforts and HaShem's **together.** Our desire, our effort will make the difference.
We are not angles that have no free will. We need to desire... We need our Hishtadlut. If G-d did not desire a Jewish state, , it would not be... We should believe that it is for our benefit and a step towards the redemption b"h. May it happen today.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Why don't we use it ? Because it simply is not true !
השם נתן , השם לקח , יהי שם השם מבורך
The same G-d that gave us the land sent us away from there close to 2000 years ago untill further notice. It is not our's, it was and will always be up to the Will of it's Creator to to grant it to whoever He wants.
Where does one take the gutts to create a jewish goverment on the land of Israel before Moschiach comes ?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
1) Based on your logic, Hashem gave it back to the Jewish people by performing such miracles as the war of independence, Six-day war etc.
2) Even if you are correct and we didn't have to establish a State before Moshiach's coming, now that we after the fact, it's our job as a fellow Yid to protect a nation that has millions of Jews which are being targeted for the crime of being Jewish. If we were Muslims no one would have an issue with us establishing a state there.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
where does it say that its not ours untill hashem brings us back???
it seems you forgot some basic psukim in the torah!!!
i highly recommend you to look in to sefer braishis, and see how many psukim say clearly the opposite of what you're thinking/writing!!!
what we see taht many jews think this way, is because we tried to pull away from the seculler zionizsts, and form a notion that the land of israel isn't ours till hashem gives it back.
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Sonia -11 years ago
Music before the video - where can I find it?
Amazing class as always, thank you! Who is singing the music at the beginning? Where can I find/buy it? Most amazing choir.
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Thirsty Jew -12 years ago
That first joke is funny, but being a jew is a religion, not a nationality. The other three could also have been Jews as well.
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Eli -12 years ago
What happened to the English curriculum? Please post the original English version! Thanks in advance, Eli
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Anonymous -12 years ago
Re: Corriculum
It is fixed.
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Eli -12 years ago
Re: Curriculum
Thank you!
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Levi -14 years ago
Could you tell me where in Sichos Kodesh i can find the sicha
Thank you
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Anonymous -12 years ago
Re: Source
4 Av 5740. Published in Sichos Kodesh 5740 vol. 3 pp. 704-706.
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Rubie -14 years ago
MP3 download
please modify download to a MP3 file like all of the other ones
Thank you
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Mendel -14 years ago
While I could not agree more with the fact that we, the Jewish people, leaders, politicians need to express the fact that Israel was given to us as a gift by G-D, there is also the idea that the Rebbe spoke about many times quoting Shulchos Aruch about the dangers of returning land that was captured in war even if it was not part of the land G-D gave us, the class implies somewhat that we are only entitled to the land and borders mentioned in the torah
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חיים ירושלים -14 years ago
האם פי 3 טעון טיפול א,א להורידו כרגיל
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Admin -14 years ago
MP3 is posted
we are sorry for the delay.
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CARMELA -14 years ago
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Nechemia Schusterman -14 years ago
when will this be available for download?
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benny -14 years ago
A quote I recently came across aboout the truth.
Joe: We are just trying to get to the truth!
Arnie: I get it! But what you need to remember is that there's what people want to hear, there's what people want to believe, there's everything else, THEN there's the truth!
Joe: And since when it's that OK? I can't even believe you are saying this to me! The truth means responsibility, Arnie!
Arnie: Exactly! Which is why everyone dreads it!
Benny Rosenberger
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Admin -14 years ago
Class Summary
1. Class Summary:
In the portion of Devarim, Moses—bidding farewell to his nation just weeks before his passing—narrates the experiences of the young nation during their forty years of wandering in the Sinai wilderness, en route to the Holy Land.
Their long trek, from Egypt, through the Sinai Peninsula, to the Eastern bank of the Jordan, forced them to pass neighboring countries, all of them antagonistic. Moses records his instructions to the Israelites on how to treat these neighboring nations. His words are both shocking and stunning; their moral power resonates to this very day.
“G-d said to me,” Moses recalls, "Give the people the following instructions: ‘You are passing through the borders of your brothers, the descendants of Esau, who dwell in Seir [southeast of Israel]. Although they fear you, you must be very careful. You shall not provoke them, for I will not give you even one foot of their land. As an inheritance to Esau I have given Mount Seir.’”
Moses continues the instruction: “You shall purchase food from them for money so that you may eat; also water shall you buy from them for money so that you may drink.” Similar instructions were given concerning the land of Moab and Amon.
Why does the Hebrew Bible, a book of moral teaching rather than historical data, record this apparently insignificant instruction of Moses concerning the Jewish encounter with the three countries of Seir, Moab, and Ammon? What moral relevance or law does this tale possess?
The answer is dramatically clear. The Torah is communicating to us the circumstances surrounding the ultimate Israelite conquest and settlement of their homeland, Eretz Israel, so that when the United Nations, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the European Union, the State Department and all of the Arab countries will decry Israel as an apartheid state, occupying Palestinian soil and controlling land annexed from another nation, the Jewish people will be able to open their own constitution, the Torah, and present its unwavering message.
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