Likkutei Sichos Devarim
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In loving memory of Michael Yehuda Aryeh Leib, ben Reb Dov Ber, Kahan, for the 34th yartzeit, on 2 Av.
This is a text-based class, in Likkutei Sichos vol. 14, Parshas Devarim. This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Devarim, 2 Av, 5780, July 23, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Likkutei Sichos Devarim
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In loving memory of Michael Yehuda Aryeh Leib, ben Reb Dov Ber, Kahan, for the 34th yartzeit, on 2 Av.
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Sara -4 years ago
Moshe's rebuke
In your article last week entitled "Why do I resent Criticsm" you said something like Gad and Reuben didn't say anything about their intent to help the Israelites. They let Moshe rebuke them and that it was a blessing to be rebuked by a tzaddik like Moshe. That even though didn't intend to do anything that Moshe was accusing them of wanting to do, they waited for him to finish talking to them/Rebukingi them because it was a blessing. I didn't understand that at all when I was reading the article. But tonight after hearingi this, I understand.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Commentators ask that the pesukim later say explicit the rebuke (example by the egel)? Here is a beautiful explanation from the sefer imri elimelech -אלימלך בן חיים מאיר יחיאל, מגרודזיסק, 1824-1892 - only finding the good.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
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Sara -4 years ago
Moshe and Gd
I'm really struck by the incredible relationship between Moshe and Gd from the commentaries you shared in this shiur. Regardless of the content of their "conversations" they sound like good friends.
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Mrs. Wolfson -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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