Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of Rebbetzin Gittel bas Rivka Gansburg and
Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Chanin
On the occasion of their birthdays on the 7th of Tammuz
Class Summary:
The Rebbe’s Last Message: A War On Complacency. Overview of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Final Discourse Veatah Tetzaveh 5741, which he distributed on Purim Katan 5752
Life Changing... and full of thought provoking answers. Could I ask a favor? My next door neighbors in my very old building hear everything,so please don't knock the shtender when you give over a vort. We all know Moshe rabbeanu wasn't a knocker,or he wouldn't ask Hashem to be removed from the book. ADAR B'SIMCHA!
al be guzunt unt shtark.
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Anonymous -11 years ago
i love Rabbi Paltiel's classes you can check out all of his wonderful content on
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Kayo -11 years ago
This is a Priceless class for me B"H
Toda rava for shairing your shimchat with us. It is so fascinating and oneg to understand even a little of the Rebbe’s discourse. I really appreciate the for giving us such priceless shiurim.
Just I have Yiddish I do not understand. Most of time, I can guess from contexts, but sometimes, they are key words and I miss the points you are making.
However, I think I do understand the precious points of the discourse you have explained and again, thank you very much for priceless class.
Gut Yom Tov,
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Moshe -11 years ago
Thank you is not enough Yasher koach Rabbi Paltiel.
There are not enough words to express my thanks for this video. I watched from South Korea wishing I could be with my fellow Lubavitchers on 3 Tammuz but this helped me feel connected.
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mendy -11 years ago
ty yasher koach
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mendy -11 years ago
more we want more videos of rabbi paltiel!! enough audio more video!!
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Hershel Cukier -11 years ago
Mamer Thenk you for such a beautifull hasbore..
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clear and appreciated -11 years ago
yechida worth listening to the whole piece. If you're pressed for time, skip to min 45 and hear out the end. The last half talks much more about our Rebbe.
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Rochel -11 years ago
Rabbi Paltiel Always an absolute pleasure to listen and be inspired by Rabbi Paltiel!
Thank you---Thank you!
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Devorah Hayman -11 years ago
Ma'amar Amazing! Thank you so much Rabbi Paltiel for your wellspring of giving over Chassidus with clarity, passion, depth, and incredible meaning and relevance. And thank you Rabbi Jacobson for making this lifeline possible to people all over the world.
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Anonymous -11 years ago
Thank you! This was a beautiful and very relevant shiur that answered several long-standing questions of mine. Very much appreciated!
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Hatomim Y E Kaner -11 years ago
shkoyach of course Wasnt able to learn now. This is great baruch hashem. Shkoyach.
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Yossi Paltiel
June 6, 2013
28 Sivan 5773
Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of Rebbetzin Gittel bas Rivka Gansburg and
Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Chanin
On the occasion of their birthdays on the 7th of Tammuz
Please leave your comment below!
Benveniste -11 years ago
Life Changing...
and full of thought provoking answers. Could I ask a favor? My next door neighbors in my very old building hear everything,so please don't knock the shtender when you give over a vort. We all know Moshe rabbeanu wasn't a knocker,or he wouldn't ask Hashem to be removed from the book. ADAR B'SIMCHA!
al be guzunt unt shtark.
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Anonymous -11 years ago
i love Rabbi Paltiel's classes
you can check out all of his wonderful content on
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Kayo -11 years ago
This is a Priceless class for me
Toda rava for shairing your shimchat with us. It is so fascinating and oneg to understand even a little of the Rebbe’s discourse. I really appreciate the for giving us such priceless shiurim.
Just I have Yiddish I do not understand. Most of time, I can guess from contexts, but sometimes, they are key words and I miss the points you are making.
However, I think I do understand the precious points of the discourse you have explained and again, thank you very much for priceless class.
Gut Yom Tov,
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Moshe -11 years ago
Thank you is not enough
Yasher koach Rabbi Paltiel.
There are not enough words to express my thanks for this video. I watched from South Korea wishing I could be with my fellow Lubavitchers on 3 Tammuz but this helped me feel connected.
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mendy -11 years ago
yasher koach
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mendy -11 years ago
we want more videos of rabbi paltiel!! enough audio more video!!
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Hershel Cukier -11 years ago
Thenk you for such a beautifull hasbore..
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clear and appreciated -11 years ago
worth listening to the whole piece. If you're pressed for time, skip to min 45 and hear out the end. The last half talks much more about our Rebbe.
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Rochel -11 years ago
Rabbi Paltiel
Always an absolute pleasure to listen and be inspired by Rabbi Paltiel!
Thank you---Thank you!
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Devorah Hayman -11 years ago
Amazing! Thank you so much Rabbi Paltiel for your wellspring of giving over Chassidus with clarity, passion, depth, and incredible meaning and relevance. And thank you Rabbi Jacobson for making this lifeline possible to people all over the world.
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Anonymous -11 years ago
Thank you!
This was a beautiful and very relevant shiur that answered several long-standing questions of mine. Very much appreciated!
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Hatomim Y E Kaner -11 years ago
shkoyach of course
Wasnt able to learn now. This is great baruch hashem. Shkoyach.
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