Inspirational Story of the Lubavitcher Rebbe/Siyum Unity Sefer Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Reb Sholom Potash in honor of the Rebbe
Rabbi YY Jacobson addressing the event of the Miracle "Unity Torah" Completion and Celebration on Sunday, 20 Kislev, 5781, December 6, 2020.
Inspirational Story of the Lubavitcher Rebbe/Siyum Unity Sefer Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Reb Sholom Potash in honor of the Rebbe
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sam -2 years ago
I saw this below post on LinkedIn and it reminded me of the story you told about the Rebbe singing a niggun to an elderly man, everyone has their own Niggun etc…
In the Himba tribe of Namibia in Southern Africa, the date of birth of a child is fixed, not at the time of its arrival in the world, nor in its design, but much earlier: since the day the child is thought in His Mother's mind.
when a woman decides she's going to have a child, she settle down and rests under a tree, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child who wants to be born. And after she heard this child's song, she comes back to the man who will be the father of the child to teach him that song. And then, when they make love to physically design the child, they sing the song of the child, to invite him.⠀
⠀When the mother is pregnant, she teaches the singing of this child to the midwives and older women of the village. So, when the child is born, old women and people around him sing his song to welcome him.⠀
⠀As the child grows, the other villagers learn his song. So if the child falls, or gets hurt, he always finds someone to pick him up and sing his song. Similarly, if the child does something wonderful, or successfully passes through the rites of passage, the people of the village sing his song to honor him.⠀⠀In the tribe, there is another opportunity where villagers sing for the child. If, at any time during his life, the person commits an aberrant crime or social act, the individual is called in the center of the village and the people of the community form a circle around him. Then they sing his song.
⠀⠀The tribe recognizes that the correction of antisocial behavior does not pass through punishment, it is by love and reminder of identity. When you recognize your own song, you don't want or need to do anything that would harm the other.⠀And the same way through their lives. In Marriage, songs are sung together.⠀
⠀And when, getting old, this kid is lying in his bed, ready to die, all the villagers know his song, and they sing, for the last time, his song.~
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Anonymous -3 years ago
NUTTO! This is a must for every yid to watch! no words...
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yosef -3 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacoson shlita, Shalom uvracha. I watched the short video "The song in your heart" a number of times.
Your message to klal yisrael about listening to the song in the heart of every precious jew (and even the song of every plant, tree, or animal) struck a deep chord in my heart. If only every jew were to hear this message, we would probably be living in a better world.
I think that anyone who really hears your message well, would probably become more humble and more aidel.
This message should penetrate deep deep into every neshama.
May the Aibishter bless you with good health, so you could have many more productive years of, not only, harbatzas hatorah, but many years of being able to impart all the important messages you graciously share with all of us.
Rabbi Yosef Shurin
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Anonymous -3 years ago
brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous -3 years ago
This video is just amazing! No words....
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Jenifer Nech -3 years ago
Thank you. I am blessed by knowing this.
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fgfgfgfg -4 years ago
this is just amazing
Hi this is just one in a million thanks a lot 🥰😚🤗👍👍👍❤🧡💛💜💙💚✡🔯🕎❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
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Anonymous -4 years ago
לדבר אידיש
אידיש או עברית
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