Deportation wagon at Auschwitz Birkenau at Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp, Poland
Gemarah Megillah #30
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yael Rothschild in memory of Yisasschar ben Yosef
This class was presented on Friday Parshas Tetzaveh, 10 Adar, 5780, March 6, 2020, at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Gemarah Megillah #30
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yael Rothschild in memory of Yisasschar ben Yosef
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Moshe -4 years ago
Various and sundry
1. One has a ditch and one has a mound. Each needs what the other has. Neither asks first. Sounds vaguely like the feminine masculine dichotomy.
2. Why did Achachveirosh hate the yidden? They came to his party. Haman made strong arguments byt absent that Achachveirosh had no reason to hate us Presumanly we lived there peacefully and contributed to society.
3. What was Haman's hatred to all those yidden who did bow down to him. He should have hated Mordechai alone. Baseless hatred?
4.48 plus 7 prophets weren't listened to but when Achachveirosh threatened force, the yidden did teshuva. Sounds like warnings, words, etc have no result but the threat of force by one capable of carrying it out works..Pity. This is why cops give tickets for cell phone use while driving, etc etc.
5. We say Hallel for revealed miracles only? Though its half Hallel only, what about Rosh chodesh?
6. The army chaplains clapped when Rabbi YY quickly had a comeback that the Baptists got it from us. (Took guts. These guys have guns!) Did they clap at the end of the speech proper before Carver spoke?
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