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Megillah 2a: Five Different Days to Celebrate One Holiday

Who Decided That the Megillah Can Be Read on 5 Distinct Days?

58 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday Parshas Va'era, 25 Teves, 5780, January 22, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • C

    Chaim -4 years ago

    Gut Yuhr. First of all I enjoy your gemara shiur very much. It's a geshmak mamish.

    I have a question based on your view of the yidden fighting back. According to you (you said it many times) the yidden killed ONLY those people that came out to kill them. It's not mashma from the megillah that way, bimchilas kevodcha.

    It says: ואיש לא עמד בפניהם כי נפל פחד מרדכי עליהם this I would interpret as NOBODY even was ready to kill them and despite that the yidden killed those they knew were their enemies.

    Also, I've heard many times that the goyim killed were from amaleik so the amount killed were the needed amount to kill amaleikim of that generation.

    Please do get back to me on your torah thought that only those that came to fight with them were killed.

    Kol Tuv,

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  • MBP

    Michael B Partensky -4 years ago

    The "donate" link does not work


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  • DB

    Daniel Benilevi -4 years ago

    Where did it go?

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Gemarah Megillah #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 22, 2020
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  • 25 Tevet 5780
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Dedicated by Rabbi Dovid Jaffe, in honor of Haydn Sternberg

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