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Every Void in Your Life Is an Expression of the Tzimtzum. To Fill It, You Need to Feel It

The Origin of the Abandonment Wound – When We Feel Disconnected from Infinite Oneness; But What’s the Point?

2 hr 2 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday, 7 Shvat, 5785, February 5, 2025, Parshas Beshalach, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY. 

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  • D

    Danny -1 month ago

    infinite finiteness vs finaite infiniteness

    Thank you Rav YY as always for bringing Basi Lagani to life - bringing me and us all back to the garden !

    was thinking a way of articulating the inyan of shiur (avodas hakoshesh concept) as "there is finite infiniteness and infinite finiteness!"

    before Tzitzum their was finite infiniteness in other words even the limited light was was experienced as in the context and part of infiniteness !

    after tzimtzum finiteness is experienced not only as cut off from the infinite light of hashem but as infinite finiteness meaning that our finite experiences seem to have no end (liek your bottomless pit ) example 

    it is mamash an inversion of "life" pre tzimutzum 


    the miracle is that we can fin our way "out of the pit" because really all along there was no tzimtzum in the maor ! 


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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -1 month ago

      Rabbi YY

      Wow. This is so beautifully said. Finite infinite was or Infinite finiteness. Powerful and moving and true!

      Thanks so so much.

      These discourses are oxygen in our age. 

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  • Anonymous -1 month ago

    So when  G-d forbid someone gets  Cancer,for  example,  he should laugh because he should feel it is  pretty tzimtzum. 

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -1 month ago

      Cynicism does not get us anywhere. You are hurting. Let's grieve together for your pain and our pain. But cynicism will not heal you or any of us. 

      I have been there. Done that. The rebbe felt the pain of the people and of each individual more than all of us put together. He did not make light of it. He would weep in public. But he also taught us the about the infinite light we have. 

      but we need to grieve for our looses. 

      So let me hold your hand and cry with you for your own innocence shattered. I am so so sorry.

      As we grieve and embrace our pain -- we can also begin to see other parts of us emerge. Including our indestructible essence. 

      No this does not explain suffering. It does not minimize suffering. But these cynical comments about all of these classess won't help heal anyone not even yourself. 

      Do you want to just dismiss the most healing energy in the universe and poke fun at it -- or do you want to help us all rediscover our souls ? 

      sending you much empathy and love and blessings. 

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Basi L'Gani 5725 #6

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 5, 2025
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  • 7 Sh'vat 5785
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לעילוי נשמת הרה”ג הרה”ח שניאור חיים הכהן
בן הרה”ג הרה”ח מרדכי זאב הכהן

Dedicated by Ezra Dovid Philipp to the Rebbe, and his shluchim, for creating a revolution to bring Moshiach now.

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