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Gemarah Pesachim: Why Can't I Benefit from Chometz on Pesach?

Advanced Talmud, Pesachim 21b -- Class 1 of 4: The Difference Between Chametz On Pesach and Non-Kosher Meat

1 hr 6 min

Class Summary:

Why Can't I Benefit from Chometz on Pesach?- Advanced Talmud, Pesachim 21b -- Class 1 of 4: The Difference Between Chametz On Pesach and Non-Kosher Meat

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  • ATI

    About the ipad -13 years ago

    Just click on mp3
    Happy learning

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  • REP

    Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski -13 years ago

    As we continue in the סוגיא we will see that there is no difference between חזקיה and ר' אבהו. Wait for the upcoming שיעור, please.

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  • P

    Perplexed -13 years ago

    To Rabbi Shlomo
    I asked Rabbi Piekarski in my previous comment based on what he wrote that

    "Each one of these [איסורים] require a separate לימוד to indicate why they are אסור בהנאה."

    Whether this contradicts the rambam ח, יד) הלכות מאכלות אסורות)

    who writes that

    כל מקום שנאמר בתורה לא תאכל," לא תאכלו, לא יאכלו, לא יאכל--אחד איסור אכילה, ואחד איסור

    הניה במשמע: עד שיפרט לך הכתוב, כדרך שפירט בנבילה "לגר אשר בשעריך תיתננה ואכלה" (דברים יד,כא); ובחלב שנאמר בו "ייעשה לכל מלאכה" (ויקרא ז,כד). או עד שיתפרש בתורה שבעל פה שהוא מותר בהניה, כגון שקצים, ורמשים, ודם, ואבר מן החי, וגיד הנשה--שכל אלו מותרין בהניה מפי הקבלה, אף על פי שהן אסורין באכילה."


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  • RAS

    Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago

    Response to Joshua
    Good question! In general there are many different "cushions" that our Sages have made, and many of them have different amounts of time.

    For example, in the first Mishna of Berachos the Sages tell us to daven Maariv before midnight, even though you legally may daven until dawn.

    It depends on what they are creating the cushion to protect you from. The half hour Mincha cushion is in order to ascertain that the sun has really begun to set, and has moved pass the mid-day point. For that, a half hour is enough. But for eating chometz, which is a whole meal, it is much easier to get carried away in a long meal, so an hour cushion is needed.

    Does this help?

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  • J

    Joshua -13 years ago

    Time Cushions for Mitzvot

    You mentioned that the Sages instituted that we should stop eating chametz 1 hour before noon time (5 hours into the day). I just listened to another shiur on this site by Rabbi Eliezer Wolf. He mentioned that the sages also instituted to only offer the mincha offering 1/2 hour after noon even though from the Torah we can do it at noon. How come the rabbis in one place make a cushion of time around a mitzvah for an hour and in another case only 1/2 hour?

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Ephraim Piekarski

  • March 7, 2011
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  • 1 Adar II 5771
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In honor of Avraham ben Sarah Glick may he have good health & nachat and ruach

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