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Thursday, March 20, 2025 11:45 am
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rochel and Yitzchak Shlomo in honor of Esti Avigayil Jacobson's birthday, for good health, much nachas, joy and success.
Dedicated by Jeanne Levy l'ilui nishmas her loving mother Hanna Gilberte bat Aicha
Dedicated by Marc Erlbaum in honor of his eishes chayil Leiba Yehudit in honor of their upcoming 30th anniversary.
This class will be presented on Thursday, 20 Adar, 5785, March 20, 2025, Parshas Vayakhel, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rochel and Yitzchak Shlomo in honor of Esti Avigayil Jacobson's birthday, for good health, much nachas, joy and success.
Dedicated by Jeanne Levy l'ilui nishmas her loving mother Hanna Gilberte bat Aicha
Dedicated by Marc Erlbaum in honor of his eishes chayil Leiba Yehudit in honor of their upcoming 30th anniversary.
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