Women's Vayakhel Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Graciously dedicated by Liz and Michael Muschel in loving memory of Liz's dear mother, one of the builders of the Monsey community, Mrs. Shirley Levy, Sarah Pessel bas R' Aryeh Leib, a"h, on the occasion of her 6th yartzeit, 22 Adar Beis.
Dedicated by Rabbi Dovid Refson for the zchut to participate in the work of Rabbi Jacobson and TheYeshiva.net
Dedicated by Gittie Munitz
לרפואת הנפש לכל נכדינו שצריכים לזה
ולזכות בנינו ובנותינו וכל משפחתינו ושמשיח יבא תיכף ומיד ממש
This class was presented on Tuesday, 18 Adar, 5785, March 18, 2025, Parshas Vayakhel, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Vayakhel Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Graciously dedicated by Liz and Michael Muschel in loving memory of Liz's dear mother, one of the builders of the Monsey community, Mrs. Shirley Levy, Sarah Pessel bas R' Aryeh Leib, a"h, on the occasion of her 6th yartzeit, 22 Adar Beis.
Dedicated by Rabbi Dovid Refson for the zchut to participate in the work of Rabbi Jacobson and TheYeshiva.net
Dedicated by Gittie Munitz
לרפואת הנפש לכל נכדינו שצריכים לזה
ולזכות בנינו ובנותינו וכל משפחתינו ושמשיח יבא תיכף ומיד ממש
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