La’Yehudim Purim 5712 #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Refuah Shleima for Yehudis Ettel bas Chana for her recent surgery.
Dedicated in honor of the recent Bar Mitzvas of Yonatan Nechemia and Ronen Zev Seliger. Mazel Tov!
This class, the second in a series on the Maamar (Chassidic discourse) La'Yehudim Haysa Orah 5712, said by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Purim 5712 (1952), was presented on Thursday, 6 Adar, 5785, March 6, 2025, Parshas Tetzaveh, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
La’Yehudim Purim 5712 #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Refuah Shleima for Yehudis Ettel bas Chana for her recent surgery.
Dedicated in honor of the recent Bar Mitzvas of Yonatan Nechemia and Ronen Zev Seliger. Mazel Tov!
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Anonymous -2 days ago
I think the איז'ביצא was bringing a ראיה that the rambam was involved in קבלה
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Anonymous -5 days ago
B"H When "yesh" become "ain" it is not FINITA, it is COMMENCE, or real begining.
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Moshe Isenberg -5 days ago
"Matter is a derivative of conscioiusness"
Before Creation Hashem had only the thought to create. Then that Divine thought was transformed into physical matter (the Tzimtzum, Creation, etc) and we have a world
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Moshe Isenberg -5 days ago
"All yomim tovim will be bottle when Moshiach comes..
Except Purim". Why?
If Mattan Torah can be seen as a coerced chassuna (mountain over heads) and, doubly so, a chassuna broken by the chait ha'egel, then Purim was the non-coerced non-broken chassuna, i.e. the only truly valid o e rhat remained unbroken, then it's u understandable that ONLY Purim will be celebrated after Moshiach comes and not Mattan Torah (and the other hand-maid yomim tovim).
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