Women's Vaeira Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Refuah Shleima B'karov for Avigayil Yehudit bat Leah
Dedicated by Yisroel Yitzchak HaKohain Kaplan in memory of his grandmother, Leah bas Avraham Baruch, Hey Teves, and his grandfather Azriel ben Avraham, Chai Teves.
This class was presented on Tuesday, 21 Teves, 5785, January 21, 2025, Parshas Vaera, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Why did Amram marry his aunt, a relationship that would be later forbidden? Moshe, who gave the Torah, was born from this flawed union? Why did Moshe, the humblest of men, say to G-d he is ready to be priest and king? Why was Saul rebuked for arrogance when he actually refused to be king and rejected the power? Why did Moshe tell Hashem, "Who am I?" Did he think G-d did not know him well?
The class delves into the mechanism to liberate ourselves from being captive to the inner voices of fear, anxiety, insecurity, and the need for validation—by energetically discovering how we are channels for infinity.
We discuss what makes a good therapist, rabbi, teacher, leader, and mentor. When therapists or rabbis are not worked out emotionally, they can wreak havoc. Great teachers, healers, and leaders are mirrors, reflecting back to you who you really are. When these mirrors are broken, you start believing you are broken, and you become dependent rather than confident and self-reliant.
Women's Vaeira Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Refuah Shleima B'karov for Avigayil Yehudit bat Leah
Dedicated by Yisroel Yitzchak HaKohain Kaplan in memory of his grandmother, Leah bas Avraham Baruch, Hey Teves, and his grandfather Azriel ben Avraham, Chai Teves.
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Anonymous -17 days ago
We're a shliach for Divine Energy whether we accept it or not.
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Anonymous -20 days ago
Thank you for your uplifting classes. Yes, the key is to become a channel for G-d's light. The problem is that sometimes, this channel, like a radio channel, has a very narrow bandwidth, and it may seem that there's no one else on it. That can be a very lonely place. You know this is true when it seems that no one sees or hears you! They don't. They're not operating on the same channel.
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avivah -22 days ago
Shalom, where do I find or how do I get the source sheet for the women's class?
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Rachel Machlev -23 days ago
All the hostages home!
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Anonymous -23 days ago
how can I join the live class?
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Anonymous -23 days ago
I would love to listen to the Rav's Shiur
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