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When Infinity Knocks at Your Door, It Feels Scary

Faith is Becoming like the Earth: Let Go and Hold Space for the Seed

1 hr 13 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, 8 Av, 5784, Parshas Ve'eschanan, August 12, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -2 months ago

    Dear R YY

    I have been listening to your classes for years and they are so real and powerful.

    I am an extremely deep person and i have been through so much pain. I have been healing and am constantly on a journey of healing. This class in particular has given me such profound meaning because many times i can come across new techniques or another method of healing and i can feel that my pain is a result of me just not doing enough inner work or not having found the right method that has catalysed my life into the life of my plan.

    However listening to this class just really further embeds the idea of the real emuna of letting go of my plan and realizing that the new cracks and churban that come are allowing me to really build the Divine building and that i have to be able to constantly let go and that my healing and pain is not in my hands...but only how i respond to them. I can learn, go to therapy etc but ultimately I have to relinqish to the hands of Hashem and just recognize that He has the plan and i have to be the Eretz and allow it to happen

    I have no words to truly thank you for all the light and authenticity you bring to the world.

    thank you

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  • SB

    Sha'i ben-Tekoa -2 months ago

    Dear Rabbi,


    Though I live in the hills of Judea, when I visit der alter haim I often spend Shabbos in Monsey with my friend Dovid Gurwitz and thoroughly enjoy your verter at Shachris.


    I also enjoy your written words on IsraelNationalNews.com, where twenty years ago I did radio commentary on their English service.


    However, I feel compelled to emend what you wrote this week about Islam “embracing” the Tanakh. Sorry, but I have been writing and lecturing on Islam’s war against Israel for decades and this is a big mistake. I have read the Koran from A-Z. As a journalist/historian, I have traveled through seven of the twenty-one Arab states, and the truth is just the opposite. Muslims judge the Chumash to be a fraud, a plagiarized version of the Koran. 

    For example, Islam means “submission” and alludes to the founding episode in Islam of Ibrahim submitting to the command of Allah to bind his son Isma’il for a sacrifice, which took place in Mecca on the Qaaba. This story is so central to Islam, a Believer must at least once in his lifetime make the pilgrimage, the hajj (their stolen mispronunciation of our chag)  to encircle the Qaaba seven times.

     And when you say to a Muslim, “Excuse me, but the Jews say the son bound was Yitzhak, and it happened on the site of the future Jewish temples in Jerusalem,” the Muslim responds, “The Jews lie. They stole the story from Islam and rewrote it.”

     And when you say, “Excuse me, but the story was dictated to Moses by the Almighty some 2,000 years before Muhammad was born, and they say, “Allah dictated the Koran to Musa the Koran, not the Torah. And when Musa brought ithe Koran t down to the wicked Jews below, they tore it from his hands and re-wrote it! Only when Prophet Muhammad [the opposite of] peace be upon him, came into the world, he restored the original text. The Koran is the correct version and the Torah is false!”

     Indeed, in the Koran there are dozens of Yidden in Tanakh whose stories are re-told in the Koran, and in every case with changes. Islam is nothing but Yiddishkeit that has been stolen. Doesn’t Rashi teach us that Ishmael, after being expelled from this land, went into the desert with a weapon and became a listim? The Midrash too teaches that HaShem offered the Torah to the Bnai Ishmael who said “No thanks, because it says, ‘Don’t steal.’”

    That is Islam. Not only did they steal/overrun our Promised Land, they overran our Temple Mount and immortalized their theft by building the golden dome smack dab on the site of the Holy Temples. Like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, a victorious war memorial, so is that dome, a monument to Islam’s theft of the Jewish identity and Jewishness (a translation for yahadus I prefer over “Judaism” because ours is not an ism, commonly the suffix of some inferior man-made socio-politico theory). 

     You are blessing to the Jewish people.


    Sha’i ben-Tekoa

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  • AE

    Alter Egoz -2 months ago

    The badchan with the Alter Rebbe could have added

    That there were certain things that he, the badchan, knew  that the Alter Rebbe didn't know (shtuss) just as the reverse was true

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Likkutei Torah Veyadata #3

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 12, 2024
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  • 8 Av 5784
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Dedicated by Dena and Eliyahu Shusterman thanking TheYeshiva.net for helping this generation learn to live to our fullest potential.

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