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Can You Be Grateful for Each of Your ‘Four Children’? Can You Listen to the 4 Children Inside of You?

Our Children Are Asking the Questions We All Struggle With Internally

1 hr 46 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Tazria, 1 Nissan, 5784, April 9, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

Who are the four children of the Haggadah? What’s this great hullabaloo about them? Why four and not five, six, or ten? Why are they central to our Passover experience? What are their questions, and why are these questions so important?

The premise to answering these questions is that the four children are not external to us; they are within each of us: Within each of our hearts, there are “four children” who ask four distinct questions. 

What are four big questions on Judaism? 1) The strange laws that we simply cannot wrap our brains ahead. 2) How can small people believe that G-d cares about their lives and actions, especially in a painful and scary universe? 3) I lead my own life and define my destiny; I don’t need G-d. 4) I don’t care.

The Haggadah addresses each of these four powerful questions, with which each of us struggles in one way or another.

Erev Pesach in Bergen Belzen. The Bloshever Rebbe sacrificed his life to obtain matzah. But when the Nazis discovered the matzah bakery, all was gone besides a few matzos. He decided the elderly would get them. Until a woman's voice was heard: “Binaranu ubezkananu,” the youth must come first.

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  • J

    Anonymous -5 months ago

    5th son

    What a powerful and beautiful class. You forgot to mention the 5th son. Ad mosei, until when?

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  • S

    Anonymous -5 months ago


    I just wanted to convey my thanks for something you mentioned which resonated deeply. In your pesach class about the 4 sons you spoke about the simple son and the need to just let go knowing that it is not in our control and we are not in charge but rather a channel. This lifted a deep burden off knowing its not up to us and can now enter seder feeling truly liberated.
    Many thanks for your impactful message may you be granted much success in all your endeavours,
    With much appreciation for all your dedicated work for the klall. 

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  • HH

    Hezi Heber -5 months ago

    Can't find the source sheet.

    Very great Shiur, thank you so much. I don't see the link for the source sheet. Please assist 

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Women's Pesach Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 9, 2024
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  • 1 Nisan 5784
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Dedicated by Liz and Michael Muschel in loving memory of Liz's dear mother, Mrs. Shirley Levy, Sarah Pessel bas R' Aryeh Leib, a"h, on the occasion of her 5th yartzeit, 22 Adar Beis.

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