Likkutei Sichos Noach
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In honor of Menachem Mendel ben Chaya Tzivia for his safe return from his service in Eretz Yisroel
This text-based class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Noach, 4 Cheshvan, 5784, October 19, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY. It is a sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, presented on Shabbos Parshas Bechokosai 5722, published in Likkutei Sichos vol. 3 Noach.
Likkutei Sichos Noach
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In honor of Menachem Mendel ben Chaya Tzivia for his safe return from his service in Eretz Yisroel
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Chaim -1 year ago
What happened to all those who were affected by Avraham?
Simple. They became better people, but they didn't care to send their children to the yeshivat Shem and Ever. Perhaps they believed in good so much, saying:: "We went to public schools and became good people, so our children too..."
Power of Jewish education.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
This generation will fix up all prior generations
That was also true of ALL previous generations. By definition the last generation whichever it is will fix up all prior generations. Just as a.mrxuzah completes the building of a house and gets a. brocha, the last generation of golus gets the brocha and turns the building/world into His home
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Anonymous -1 year ago
The generation of Babel were good to each other
but were engaged in a bad endeavor, fhe tower of Babel. So the reward, the good that was coming to them was covered with a kelipa and so didn't really benefit. This good was taken by Avraham
imagine a group of mafioso. who do bad to others but good to each other. They deserve reward for that good is blocked by kelipa.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
it's good to forgive
But....can the families of all the victims of the Shemini Atzeres War forgive those who perpetrated these horrendous. crimes?
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Anonymous -1 year ago
if you hurt or harmed or damaged anothef
it's not enough to say "sorry". Sorry is good but insufficient. You must ALSO repair that which you damaged.
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