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Women's Sefas Emes/Toldos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yechezkal Gutfreund for the yartzeit of Dovid ben Yechezkal HaLevi Gutfreund (15-Mar Cheshvan)
Dedicated by Liz and Dr. Michael Muschel, in loving memory of Rebbetzin Sara Muschel, Sorah bas R' Yechiel Mechel, for the 11th yartzeit on 23 Cheshvan.
This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Toldos, 28 Cheshvan, 5783, November 22, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Sefas Emes/Toldos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yechezkal Gutfreund for the yartzeit of Dovid ben Yechezkal HaLevi Gutfreund (15-Mar Cheshvan)
Dedicated by Liz and Dr. Michael Muschel, in loving memory of Rebbetzin Sara Muschel, Sorah bas R' Yechiel Mechel, for the 11th yartzeit on 23 Cheshvan.
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Shimon V -2 years ago
The Rav explained in the words of the sefas emes that Rivka wanted the bracha that was intended for Esav to be given to yakov regarding that even the bnei yakov if we are far away from the kedusha we still should have that inner spark to be able to return us to hashem. Where do we see that idea in the Barachos that yitzchak gave. I don't since any hint of that in the words of the brachos. The idea I understand but it doesn't seem to say that in the words. A reply to this question would be appreciated.
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Aliza -2 years ago
Which words in the Bracha of Yitzchak to Yaakov indicate the idea of rising above the darkness?
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Batya Moller -2 years ago
Thank you for this week woman shuir as some who is going through a challenging time in her life a place that wasn't in the plan your words put it into perspective good shabbos
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Anonymous -2 years ago
We must have a plan, but be prepared to adjust
Like Hashem. Who first desired a world according to Din. When it didn't work out He recreated a world according to chesed.
And even then, again, when Plan A of the world didn't work out, the adjustment and flexibility of Hashem brought the mabul and the world that came afterwards
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Inna -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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