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Can We Have a Relationship with G-d? The Great Debate

As We Get Closer to Redemption, the Gap Closes

1 hr 9 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Vayeira, 14 Cheshvan, 5783, November 8, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • M

    Moshe -1 year ago

    Thank you for the shiurim on Torah ohr. The way you described the development of the ideas from Torah to chakira, Kabbalah, chassidus and how the answer gets fleshed out clearer and clearer through the generations was gevaldik. I also ended up referencing it this morning in my shiur and it was really helpful. And the vort from the ramak about someone who doesn't learn Kabbalah becoming a kofer...ah gevald. 
    יישר חילך לאורייתא!! ויקויים בך כל הברכות האמורות למי שלומד ע''מ ללמד.

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  • S

    Sara -1 year ago

    Aaah...philosopy doesn't like paradoxes...

    Yes, they/paradoxes are difficult to deciper, but they exist regardless and part of our lives. Probably better to accept that reality and try to deal with it.

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    • S

      Sara -1 year ago

      The comment above is actually directed not only to others but really to myself as well. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Argument whether Hashem needs us or

    Our actions. Needs implies a lacking.  If He had no needs, no lacking, why did He create the world? 

    A king without a people is no King.

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  • S

    Sara -1 year ago

    Revealed and known...

    but HIS knowledge of all that doesn't affect our individual ability and make a choice. We do that on our own?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    When the Freirdicke Rebbe waa granted

    Citizenship, the government official came to him. (And he put on his spodek for the occasion).

    Did the Rebbe or the Rebbes go out to  vote? 

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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Vayeira Erdah Na #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 8, 2022
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  • 14 Cheshvan 5783
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