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War in Ukraine: Being Calm in an Uncertain World

1 hr

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson addressed a seminar about the Road to Recovery for the Chigwell & Hainault Synagogues, London, on Sunday, 26 Adar I, 5782, February 27, 2022

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Thank you!

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  • A

    A. -3 years ago

    Rabbi Jacobson - your statement that doctors and scientists were clueless when Covid struck is not true!

    Yes the majority of them were, but there were others like Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (a world renowned doctor with clinics in the US and Europe) who knew what to do and were successful in treating hundreds if not thousands from the very beginning of the outbreak. There were certainly other doctors and scientists, although most definitely they were in the minority. (By the way, Dr. Klinghardt holds the US government responsible for 80% of the deaths in the US due to their draconian measures to hide the truth.)

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  • SLR

    Sheila L Rinde -3 years ago

    What is today

    s Yom Yom and tomorrow for wht is happenin in the World ? Thak you

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  • C

    C.gross -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    שלום וברכה , יותר קל לי לכתוב בעברית . תודה רבה לכל השיעורים , כל שיעור מחדש לי דברים ופותח את הראש לעוד מחשבה ועוד הסתכלות על החיים , שמחזק ומוסיף לי כלים לחיי תורה. אני מאד אשמח לדעת עם הרב מגיע לארץ ואם כן אם נוכל לארגן שיעור . יש לי קבוצה של אנשים שלא שומרים יהדות וחלקם אפילו ממש כופרים , אך יחד עם זאת פתוחים לשמוע אנשים בסגנון של הרב. והיינו מאד שמחים לארגן משהוא . זה ממש קירוב. ובנוסף אשמח לדבר עם הרב אישית . אני שמה את המספר שלי פה +972586321252 רוב תודה והרבה סיעתא דשמיא חני

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  • AL

    Alexander Landau -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Is this the end of days? What does it say about Russia and America war?

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  • L

    Lewi -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    How do you come to live actually, what you know and believe and understand, מח שליט על הלב

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  • ER

    Eli Rachlin -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Chabad has tried to have good relationship with leaders of both Russia and Ukraine. Does/ should this affect Chabad speaking up against the Russian aggression?

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  • E

    Eliana -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    do you think this war is a continuation of the past tragic recent events?meaning that Hashem is doing this for the same reason becuase we did not get the message the first time?

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  • EH

    Eliana H -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    With all of the talk of the possibility of a world war I’m terrified and can’t find Shalom , it keeps me up at night scared for my children

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  • TY

    Tamara Yedid -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Dear Rab, I'm very concerned about the situation of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine now. And I'm also concerned about my son. We're about to send our children to Poland (a dati march of living) and Israel next week, we're from Mexico city, Or Hajayim school. Do you think it's safe for our kids now? They are waiting for this trip almonst 2 years. Tku!

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    can you make the sound louder please

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  • SP

    Sabrina Paradis -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Does Hashem want ALL Jews to physically fight in times of war against ideological and fascists who hate the Jewish people and the land of the JEWISH people which is Israel?

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