Three parts of the brain: Reptilian, Limbic, and Neocortex.
Women's Vaeira/Bo Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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לעילוי נשמת מרת רחל לאה בת ר' אהרן, לרגל היארצייט ראש חדש שבט.
לעילוי נשמת מרת מרים בת ר' צבי הירש, לרגל היארצייט ה׳ שבט.
מוקדש על ידי הרב דוד ורבקה פלדמן.
This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Bo, 2 Shevat, 5782, January 4, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY. It explores how free choice works, and do we really even have it?
Women's Vaeira/Bo Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
לעילוי נשמת מרת רחל לאה בת ר' אהרן, לרגל היארצייט ראש חדש שבט.
לעילוי נשמת מרת מרים בת ר' צבי הירש, לרגל היארצייט ה׳ שבט.
מוקדש על ידי הרב דוד ורבקה פלדמן.
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Anna -3 years ago
Thank you for your speech. I went into the website because I wanted to commit suicide. I then realized that I was prisoner of my emotions, I was not free to kill myself. Thank you. Please add my name to your mailing list. I would like to speak / write to the Rabbi if it were possible.
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Chaia Frishman -3 years ago
THis was one of the most powerful lessons because of the simplicity in which we can change ourselves. The "space" that Victor Frankl speaks of is mind altering. Which is basically what we need to do to make a response that will have us change for the better. Does anyone know if this shiur is also in some sort of essay form to read on shabbos. I wnt to share it with my family.
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Rachel Pollack -3 years ago
Awareness, אין עוד מלבדו, in modern psychology there's much focus on mindfulness, which brings us closer to Gd centered-ness.... the ultimate "liberation "
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Chaim Schnitzer -3 years ago
It's interesting to know what is this exile real sense
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chana Kaplan -3 years ago
Thank you. This weeks lesson was very informative. I hope to be able to use this knowledge on my daily struggles.
Zei g"benchet
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Dr. Aharon Faiman -3 years ago
Some rare unique individuals have also developed themselves so highly that they are also able to affect their heart rate and blood pressure, etc altho much harder than controlling the rhythm and speed of the breath.
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Sara -3 years ago
Maybe you can
discuss free will and hashgacha pratis (Divine Providence) and how the two conflict with each other or maybe how they complement each other,
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