Likkutei Sichos Vaeira #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Chabad Jewish Center of Reston-Herndon in honor of Mrs. Jane Krebser. May HaShem fulfill all her heart's desires for the good, in good health and happiness.
This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Vaera, 26 Teves, 5782, December 30, 2021, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Likkutei Sichos Vaeira #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Chabad Jewish Center of Reston-Herndon in honor of Mrs. Jane Krebser. May HaShem fulfill all her heart's desires for the good, in good health and happiness.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
My step grandfather was not a scholar but he always said tehilim and the late skulener Rebbe said when coming to Shiva that he feels null comparing to his simplicity
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Esther -3 years ago
Omein, Words of truth, thank you, gut shabbes gut shabbes...
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Maybe Moshe is teaching us how to make space for questions.
Not to silence our questions, even when physically felt as disturbed emotions.
We don't have to dismiss these questions in order to believe in G-d. We can find G-d in the questions.
For example many times we can't understand painful events and are told to "have faith." Which is absolutely true. But at the same time the pain we experience is supposed to bother us, we're not supposed to accept it and become victims of it. We're supposed to feel the pain, the questions while at the same time knowing that G-ds full plan is beyond human comprehension. I don't need to fully understand G-d, but also don't need to dismiss the doubts I experience.
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Kj -3 years ago
If you live by the law of Gd in total, it fixes itself!
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Kj -3 years ago
How do you know the DNA change is Gd's Gene to ensure need of person is met. The change is holy as it is from Gd!
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
We yiiden all come from Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov
Not really.
Considering that there might have been geerim in our ancestry, it is more correct to say that we all come from the Imahos and those righteous women converts.
Notice that whereas we come from the Avos and Imahos, and not from any particular shevet, who among us come physically from Moshe who had only Gershom and Eliezer. (And we don't know what became of them)
Rather, we are physical descendants of the Avos and Imahos, we are spiritual descendants of Moshe.
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Kj -3 years ago
Fight with the law of Gd and let them hang themselves with the law of Gd and sell themselves to their enemies for destruction. Vengeance is mine, says GD!
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The yidden were liberated from Mitzrayim because they had
Inherited faith.
But didn't the 80% who died in the plague of darkness also have the same inherited faith?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
"Hashem misses the Avos" who didn't complain
Us humans live at a moving point in time. We are swept along the course of time for a few years.
Hashem created time. He is above time. Past, present abd future is all an open book to him.
Therefore, at the point of linear time when Hashem and Moshe are discussing, Moshe is stuck at a certain point in time. But Hashem is not so stuck. He can see and experience the past, present and future equally.
Therefore, it doesn't really make sense for Hadhem to say he "misses" the Avos who didn't complain. Maybe what's meant is that Moshe complained when things went sour whereas the Avos did not.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Who says being "good" excludes arguing for seeming injustice?
On the contrary, a good person defends and supports those who suffer. Even to the point of defending them to Hashem's direct punishments. Like Avraham arguing for the residents of Sedom.
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Sara -3 years ago
Maybe Avraham didn't complain about the Akeida
because subconsciously he didn't thing GD would take the sacrifice. There are many "clues" in the Akeida story that Avraham may have grasped on to, subconsciously or consciously to make him believe it:1) Abraham said to his attendads. "You stay here with the donkey and I and the lad will go yonder; we will p rostrate ourselve (before Gd) and then return to you" 2) GD asked for an offering, not a sacrifice, and so that is what Avraham provided; 3) GD was totally against child sacrifice; 4) GD promised, and I don't think HE goes against HIS promises - Yitchak was the only son of Avraham and Sarah; 5) When Yitzchak asked where is the lamb for the burn offering? Abrham answwered GD will provide for Himself the lamb for the burn offering, my son" which HE eventually did. I know the sages and people a lot smarter than me say he was tested. And yes he was tested for sure. And Avraham loved GD more than anything, but maybe he knew deep inside that the Yitzchak sacrifice wouldn't ever happen.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Who says there wouldn't be a Jewish people if Yitzchak was sacrificed?
Just like Hashem made miracles to bring about the birth of Yitzchak, He can do it again!
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The Maggid didn't realize what the Baal Shem Tov stood for before the story?
The maggid was a tzaddik. Was he and the others a tzaddik in training?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
How can you say that Avraham didn't complain?
Maybe he didn't complain when it appeared that he himself might lose, as in the Akeida, but he DID complain and argued at length about the other in the case of arguing to save Sedom and the other cities.
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dovid kaplan -3 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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