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The Oak of Grief: The Untold Story of Rivkah’s Wet Nurse

What Our Grandmothers Heard at the Gates of Auschwitz; What We Tell Our Daughters Before Their Marriage

1 hr 40 min

Class Summary:

She is one of the most anonymous figures in the Torah, yet the Torah dedicates space in Vayishlach to discuss her death, burial, and the tears following her passing. This is Rivkah's wet nurse, Devorah. But who was she? Why is she important to our story? Why did everyone grieve her death? As it turns out, she shaped the future of the Jewish people and the destiny of history.

According to the sages, Devorah the prophetess led and taught the Jewish people at her burial plot, and she was also a reincarnation of Tamar. All of these details come together to create one of the most remarkable reflections on the timeless role of the Jewish woman in history, from then to this very day.

Rabbi YY Jacobson unravels the mystery of one of the most anonymous figures in the Torah, Rivkah's wet nurse, Devorah, bringing to life a narrative of profound emotion, courage, resilience, and faith, still carried on by our mothers and daughters.

This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Vayishlach, 12 Kislev, 5782, November 16, 2021, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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