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We Were Sent Into the Darkness to Heal the Divine

The Child Teaches the Father Who He Is; We, too, Can Comfort Our Father

1 hr 13 min

Class Summary:

This text-based class, in Likkutei Sichos vol. 23, Menachem Av/Matos-Masei, was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, Parshas Bamidbar, 6 Av, 5781, July 15, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY. This is the fifth and final class in the series.

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  • I

    Isaac -3 years ago

    See yourself as a healer. Not just as a beloved child. Not just as a cherished person. You were sent into this trauma to heal it. To heal it. You are above it, beyond it. You are the essence. Grow up, realize you are not the ill one. You are the healer.Not just healer of the world. But the healer of G-d. The healer of your father. The healer of the Creator who is with His broken world. And only you, living in the broken world, can heal it, and heal the Divine energy inside of it.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    When Hashem says before mattan Torah that we are His chosen nation, is that a different choice from the body having been chosen by Atzmus? Was that choice predicated on their acceptance of the Torah?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    We enjoy no meat or wine and He enjoys no meat or wine these days

    Hashem enjoyed the smell of the korbonos while the Beis Hamigdash stood.  Ditto for the wine offerings (and incense). He lacks this pleasure while He is homeless and we are in golus. 

    Our lack of meat and wine during the 9 days thus mirrors His lack of pleasure these last 2,000 years. 

    We do however enjoy both meat and wine on Shabbos that comes out during the 9 days. At some level then, because we mirror Him, Hashem must also enjoy meat and wine on His Shabbos even  this long golus. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    The son can comfort the Father because the essence of the son mirrors the essence of the father

    And the essence of a yid is free choice, the ability to choose one way or the other. 

    So too the essence of Hashem was (and is, continuously) His free choice to choose to create and sustain the world or not.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    The Haftorah of Shabbos Chazon

    Admonishes us to place doing right the disadvantaged classes of the orphan, the widow and the poor OVER korbonos, i.em gifts to Hashem.  The Novi says in the name of Hashem that a perfect korbon is disgusting to Hafhem if the donor has neglected those disadvantaged classes. And this is so even though a full third of  the Chumash is about the building, the personnel, the implements, the clothing and procedures of the Mishkan (and Beis Hamigdash) . Korbon donors who neglect Bain Adam Lechavero are "disgustingz".

    So Hashem votes with Hillel who prioritizes Bain Adam lechavero  over Bain Adam l'Mokom. 

    We must have pity fir the human homeless impoverished .people 

    And right now in golus, Hashem is Himself "homeless", the destroyed home was his desire and his desire fulfilled for a time. Right now He is homeless and needs comfort until He returns to His home, the third Beis Hamigdash.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "The power of the sin is greater than the power of the father "

    We stand on our parent's shoulders.  We have their powers as well as our own. We therefore can reach higher.  

    Notice that no prior generation merited the coming of Moshiach. He must come in generation right now as we stand on the shoulders of all pruor generations and benefit from their merits as well as ours.  

    Whenever Moshiach comes, he will come to that generation which stands on the shoulders of all prior generations. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "The body keeps the score"

    Imagine that choosing right gains a point and doing wrong loses a point. 

    Only humans have free choice and can do BOTH wrong as well as right. Angels, animals and robots can ONLY do right, per their preprogrammed nature. Angels, animals and robots never gain or lose a point. There is no possibility of losing points abd even doing right doesn't gain a point because it wasn't the result ofva proper exercise of free choice  

    The body of a person had free choice (unlike the neshoma) and so proper exercises of that free choice is rewarded (gains a point) while improper exercises of free choice is punished (loses a point).

    So then only the body gains and loses points as a result of the free choices made by the body and the body only, not the neshoma. 

    So only the body "keeps the score". And therefore Hashem prefers the body, the entity with free choice and the potential to do wrong but chooses NOT TO DO SO. 

    Adam and Chava erred here setting the precedent for all of us. Avraham Avinu "came with his days", i.e. always chose perfectly and therfore merited to be chosen to be the first of the avos and the progenitor of yidden, by no coincidence, the CHOSEN people 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Hashem prefers the body

    We are amalgam of body and neshoma. The neshoma part has no free choice, no ability to revolt against its purpose, no ability to sin. The body part DOES have free choice and the potential to revolt and to sin. 

    Why does Hashem prefer the body? Because Hashem doesn't prefer that entity (e.g. neshoma) which has no free choice, no potential to sin. Similarly Hashem doesn't prefer angels, animals, or robots. He prefers those entities that have the potential to do wrong and sin but choose not to. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Free choice cannot exist for angels, animals or robots

    Free choice can only exist in an entity where the possibility of doing wrong, of doing the opposite of the desire of the entity's creator, exists.  I.e. the potential to do wrong is a prerequisite to the existence of free choice.  And reward or punishment is only meted out for free choice choices. Angels, animals and robots are not rewarded or punished for their conduct because they have no free choice. And that lack of free choice is because these entities do not have the potential to do wrong. 

    Free choice is therefore a tremendous gift but carries the possibility of doing wrong and getting punished OR doing right and getting rewarded. Entities without free choice can't do wrong or right, and therefore can't be punished or rewarded. 

    Adam and Chava were the first creations  to have free choice.  And they erred. That ability to err will cease when Moshiach comes when the Emes will be obvious and so free.choice abd resulting reward abd punishment will also cease.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    When Hashem and the human are 2 distinct entities

    With different desires, agendas etc then a person's davenning can be very different than when Hashem desires. Imagine 2 circles (venn diagrams) which only partly overlap to a greater or lesser extent.  

    But when one is able to shift over his circle to align with Hashem's, then the desires, agendas align and one's davenning will be the same as Hashem's desires.

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Likkutei Sichos Menachem Av/Matos-Maasei #5

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 15, 2021
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  • 6 Av 5781
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Dedicated by Reb Sholem Potash and Family in honor of the holy tzaddik, R' Shlomo of Karlin, for the yarhtzeit, 22 Tammuz.

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