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The Spies Did Not Believe That Primal Drives Can Be Healed

Once You Respect the Intensity of Your Pre-Verbal Drives, You Can Open Them Up to Their Own Source

1 hr 9 min

Class Summary:

This is a text-based class on the Maamar, Chassidic discourse, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Lehavin Inyan Taanas Hameraglim, presented by the Rebbe on Shabbos Parshas Shlach, 28 Sivan, 5715, June 18, 1955.

This class was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, Parshas Balak, 14 Tammuz, 5781, June 24, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    The question I received:

    Was the meraglim class relating to the animal soul midos ? Then which soul Seihel affects these Midos? And is the G-dly soul in that Maamar?

    Thanks, this was the best class ever...

    Answer: I think referring to Midos in general, both the animal soul and the divine soul.(He clearly speaks of Midos of Tohu, which are often connected to the animal soul.)The maamar is about all middos -- rooted in a very deep place in the soul.As always, the animal soul itself is also animated by Divinity, like every animal (klipas nogah). We just have to work on revealing its alignment with the Divine.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    When can we get our CEUs from these shiurim?  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    "Don't be afraid of your primal drive"

    If your primal drive is a thirst for blood and killing, like some low lifes and murderers, (the bew president of Iran, a former chief Judge, the "butcher or Iran, has allegedly ordered the execution of 30,000 citizens); then you must channel it by seychel and become a real life shochet. 

    Channel that primal drive from bad to good while retaining its characteristics. 

    The primal drive is the motor and the seychel is the steering wheel that directs direction that motor will compel the vehicle/body.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    Each fruit has its seed that is most conducive to procreation

    So too, taharas mishpacha is most conducive to human procreation 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    There are 2 definitions to the word "middos" and this causes confusion

    Normally we define middos as character traits like anger, empathy, etc. R. Elimelech of Lisenszk says our neshoma comes down to perfect those character traits. 

    But this maamer gives another different  meaning to "middos", i.e. primal drive. 

    These two differing definitions is leading to confusion.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    Primal drive is the cause of all causes like the Rambam

    Starts off Mishne Torah.  The primal drive, part and parcel of one's unique neshoma begets the differentiated desires/rotzonis which in turn begets seychel which justifies and envelopes  those  choices abd particular desires. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    So both on the superficial physical level and on the deeper ruchnious level the miraglim

    Meant that one's core primal drive can't and therefore doesn't change. Ergo the 10 counseled not trying to conquer EY and not trying to change one's primal drive. 

    But the 2 dissenting miraglim counseled opposite.  They counseled that, yes, we can conquer EY and can change our primal drive.

    And the 2 turned out to be right. 

    So we see that dissenters can be right and a super-majority can be wrong (like most of the world doesn’t agree with yiddishkeit and most yidden don't agree with frumkeit, so we frum yidden are a minority within a minority. And we're right!).

    Moreover the yidden did eventually go into and conquered EY albeit after a generational lapse.

    Does that mean that on the deeper level that we can indeed change our primal drive, just that we must traverse a generational lapse and metamorphosis before doing so? 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    Even on the deeper level the 10 spies may have meant that

    Hashem isn't boss over conquering the giant powerful people in EY, they really meant that HE COULD CONQUER IF HE WANTED TO BUT PERHAPD HE DIDN'T DESIRE TO DO SO, so therefore there was no sense, purpose or reason to do so.

    I.e. the 10 miraglim may have not doubted Hashem's ability to conquer but perhaps doubted His desire to do so. 

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Maamar Meraglim Shlach 5715 #10

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 24, 2021
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  • 14 Tamuz 5781
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May my dear brother Jun Jun's soul find peace. Dedicated with love, Jackie and Wilson.

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