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Baal HaTanya Parshas Bo #3

Friday, Jan 22, 7:30 am EST

1 hr 12 min

Class Summary:

This text-based class will be presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Friday, Parshas Bo, 9 Shevat, 5781, January 22, 2021, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Rambam TT Perek 4

    שנאמר כי שפתי כהן ישמרו דעת ותורה יבקשו מפיהו כי מלאך ה' צבאות הוא. אמרו חכמים אם הרב דומה למלאך ה' צבאות תורה יבקשו מפיהו אם לאו אל יבקשו תורה מפיהו  
    Why choose this name?Al Pi the Baal Hatanya one must choose a Rebee who every Maasah, even the very mundane - in the olam habriah, expresses the achdus of atzilus and they are completely one. This is what the Rebeeim of chasidus truly exemplify 

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  • HG

    Hershel Gruenberg -3 years ago

    Sorry dear Rabbi.  But you do not have  physical mouth in Azilut to make a bracho.  Nor ears to listen.  Yes.  Been there.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Moshe couldn't relate to the importance of the mirrors

    He had to be ready to converse with Hashem at all times,  "on standby". Therefore he had to divorce Tzipporah, something Miriam (a woman) couldn't understand. (Tzipporah did!).

    Concomitant with that status Moshe couldn't understand the importance of mirrors.  

    Yet, if everyone would be on Moshe's level (celibate) thev"tzivo'os", legions,  of children would never have been born. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Chana as a Nivea introduced the Name "tzivo'os"

    And the later neviim used this name extensively. 

    But. ...a Novi only says what Hashem puts into his mouth. This was even recognized by Balaam.

    Therefore was it Chana that introduced a new name for Hashem with all its attendant meanings and consequences? No.

    It was Hashen dictating, Who decided to reveal new names for Himself not revealed to Moshe in the Chumash,  to Chana and the later neviim.

    This was probably part of the slow historical gradual revelation of more and more essence of the Ain Sof we see in the continuous ever increasing revelation of Torah She'baal Peh and also the penimious of Torah,  both continuing to this day with every innovation in nigla and chassidus.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Artificial intelligence in robots (computers with limbs)

    Is now extremely advanced and advancing further.  They are giant supercomputers with enormous amounts of data, programming abd even sensory capabilities to the point where a person can have a reasoned logical conversation with such a robot.

    This is common knowledge. 

    In a recent video of such a  conversation the person asked "Susie" the highly intelligent robot, "what is the difference between you and i?"

    Susie answered "a soul". 

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    • Anonymous -3 years ago

      Is Suzie self aware?

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