Lecture for Haderech in England
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Eugene Berk in memory of Irving Berk.
Fear and Faith in Times of Crisis
Lecture for Haderech in England
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Eugene Berk in memory of Irving Berk.
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Yosef Dovid Rosenberg -4 years ago
Shalom uvrucha. Thank you so much for your shiurim!!!
In the shiur you gave to England on Parshas Beshalach, you explained from the Medrash that "נָכוֹן כִּסְאֲךָ מֵאָז" -- 'THEN' at Krias Yam Suf, the throne of HaKadosh Baruch Hu became established, like Augustus becoming the emperor.
My question is -- What was so qualitatively "extra" by Krias Yam Suf over and about the astounding, utterly miraculous 10 Makkos, which showed that HKB"H is Master of the שמים וארץ and waters and the neshamah?Thanks so much!!!Kol tuv,
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Rabbi YY Jacobson -4 years ago
ידידי הגרי"ד שליט"אלכאורה יש לומר, כי 1) כמה וכמה מהמכות נעשו גם על ידי חרטומי מצרים. 2) המכות היו רק באותו מקום, משא"כ קריעת ים סוף נבקעו כל מימות שבעולם. 3) בפשטות הכתובים נראה שקריעת ים סוף פעל רושם בכל העולם. וכמבואר גם בשירת הם "חיל אחז יושבי פלשת גו' נמגו כל יושבי כנען, תפול עליהם וגו'", שלא מצינו במכות מצרים. 4) בקרי"ס נראה במוחש הנהגת ה' ושכר ועונש שכל המצריים שהשתעבדו במצרים וטבעו ילדי ישראל בים, הנה כולם נטבעו ולא נותר בהם עד אחד, ובדבר אשר זדו, מדה כנגד מדה. משא"כ המכות לא הענישה כל מצרים באופן זה כלל. שעפ"ז מובן למה דוקא בקרי"ס נאמר "וייראו העם את ה' ויאמינו בה' ובמשה עבדו".בכבוד ובברכה
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Gelly -4 years ago
Thanks for this class. It is really butifuly thoughts and opened up my eyes to more that I always wanted to know.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Hashem consults nature before acting
He also consulted the Heavenly Tribunal before Creation. He consulted tgd angels before giving the Torah. Etc.
Those heavenly bodies can agree or disagree with a proposal. Those angels opposed giving the Torah. Moshe had to argue and win the argument.
What is the meaning here? Hashem creates those bodies with whom He later consults for approval? Aren't they afraid to disagree? He can wipe them out in second like, lehavdil, theoretically, a President who fires anybody he first hired who disagrees with him!
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
15 Shvat is midpoint of winter. Turning point
15 of Av is the last day to chop wood for the Beis Hamigdash. It is often demonstrably perceived as the first cool night after summer, the "turning point" of summer.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
10,000 hours to master a skill
Yet there are many cases where someone sustained a trauma to the head, brain injury or some other type of a severe shock.
And then afterwards out of the blue, could speak a foreign language, could play an instrument, or instantly acquired mastery over a skill that normally took those 10,000 hours.
Was that skill there in potential and it was extractive by both 10,000 hours AND by a certain trauma?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Did you make a brocho on POTUS?
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