Chassidus: Torah Ohr Va'era Vayidaber #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Meir Dahan in memory of my dear wife/mother, Shoshana- Flory.
This text-based class was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Shemos, 20 Tevet, 5781, January 4, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Torah Ohr Va'era Vayidaber #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Meir Dahan in memory of my dear wife/mother, Shoshana- Flory.
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Dr. Aharon Faiman -4 years ago
healing grasses
A man named Hoxsey (I believe that is the name) had a very effective yenna maasah/cancer cure in the 1950’s. His father (or grandfather) had a farm w/animals. A horse got sick w/cancer. He let the horse go out to pasture freely to allow it to die. He noticed the horse was eating certain grasses/herbs that was a bit unusual. The horse healed and grandpa was surprised. He gathered some of the grasses/herbs that the horse had eaten and found it ‘cured’ skin growths. He continued expanding his treatments to more (neighbor’s) animals and larger problems. He had much success. He gave the recipe over to his son w/the caveat that it be made available to people w/no financial burden. The grandson eventually had 30 or 40 clinics in the Midwest helping many people. He begged for the medical authorities to come and see his clinic and see the results and speak with the patients. They refused. They sent FBI to all the locations in several states where they put locks on the doors of all his clinics in one night. He was unable to fight the system and the Hoxsey treatment eventually went underground. Just another example of suppression. I have a book about the details.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
"No blade of grass grows without its Mazel striking it and saying "grow!"
But, what is striking the Mazel and telling it to strike the blade of grass?
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
"The ray of the Schechina"
Any time the Mashpia's "totality" is way beyond what the recipient can absorb, there will be merely a ray of the totality.
The teacher cannot give all his knowledge to the novice. The parent cannot give all her love to the child.
The recipient cannot handle more of the flow than his kelim. Electricity is stepped down and down until it's usable and won't overwhelm the keli. Water is restricted again and again until a trickle comes out of the faucet.
So too, the full power of the sun, both the light and heat, is restricted by an exact distance.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
"Moshe read through Sefer Beraishis"?
I always thought that Hashem dictated the Torah and he wrote it down like a stenographer. Did Hashem dictate Berkshire even before Moshe led the yidden out of Mitzrayim?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
i hear you on the phone waiting
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