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Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Vayigash #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This is a text based class in Likkkutei Sichos vol 25 Parshas Vayigash, the second and last class in the series. It is a Sicha (address) presented by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Shabbos Parshas Chukas, 5741, (July 4, 1981), and was taught by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Wednesday, Parshas Vayigash, 8 Tevet, 5781, December 23, 2020, streamed live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Vayigash #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Sara -3 years ago
A question or two about these teachings we are learning this week.
Yosef, as you are teaching was able to live in Egyptian society and still be totally connected to Gd. Yaakov recognized Yosef's ability to do so. We are supposed to emulate this behavior, which I happen to agree with. The brothers "hated" Yosef for many reasons; one of the main ones being that they thought he was going against how Jews should live. They were more secluded and believed that's how we should live in order to be able to better connect with Gd. I get that too. So my question is, in the end I believe you have said in previous shiurim that we will go in the way of Yehuda, NOT of Yosef. So what's the lesson if Yosef's way is not the ultimate way?
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Mendel Fishman -3 years ago
Perhaps also connected to Yosef bones only leaving Mitzrayim with Moshe etc, vs Yaakov Avinu
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Anonymous -3 years ago
It seems clear to me that the Maharal does not say that he channeled his love for his son to hkbh The lashon is: אמנם יש לדעת ענין קריאת שמע שהיה קורא ובזה יתורץ מה שלא היה קורא יוסף קריאת שמע, לפי שכאשר בא יעקב וראה את יוסף בנו מלך, בא בלבו אהבתו ויראתו של הקב"ה איך מדותיו הם טובות ושלימות, ומשלם שכר טוב ליראיו. וזהו מדת החסידים אשר יקרה להם טוב מתדבקים אל הקב"ה על הטובות והאמת שעשה עמהם. וזהו קריאת שמע שבו נזכר ייחוד מלכות שמים (דברים ו, ד) ואהבתו (שם שם ה). וראוי היה לקרות קריאת שמע כאשר בא אליו יוסף אחר הצער הגדול אשר היה לו בעבורו, ועתה ראה אותו מלך, היה אוהב את הקב"ה אשר עושה לו זה, וקבל מלכותו ואהבתו ויראתו, וזהו נכון למבין . He clearly says the ahavha was to hkbh for the great goodness that he did to him and doesn't say he first had love for seeing his son and channeled it to hkbh
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Yosef gave us the ability to survive and even thrive when enmeshed in golus
And many of us who remain frum while engaged in the nonjewish world, yet we see that
In certain segments of the frum world the ideal that many sacrifice greatly for is that one should remain cloistered in kollel for a lifetime.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov were all shepherds, aloof
But, Yosef who (also Yosef Lieberman, frum VP candidate!) remained frum while enmeshed in nonjewish society, established the possibility for all the generations to do likewise.
But, Yosef merely SUSTAINED us in that golus and all the golii (made up word) that followed. He did not redeem from golus and he wasn't even able to ensure his bones be taken out of Mitzrayim.
Moshe Rabbeinu reverted to being a shepherd after running away from home, and was a shepherd when Hashem chose him. Moreover, Moshe not only sustained the yidden (the mann, the water, meat, etc.,) and not only gave us and taught us the Torah, but Moshe also REDEEMED us from golus Mitzrayim which set the paradigm for later redemptions.
It would seem that Moshe's accomplishment of redeeming us from golus is far greater than merely surviving, even thriving, in golus, admirable of course, that Yosef established for us.
We daven for geula and not merely surviving or thriving in golus.
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