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Welcoming a New Year Amidst Corona

I Don't Want to Go Back to 'Normal'

1 hr

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson presented a zoom lecture to the Jewish Community of West Boca Raton, Florida, Wednesday, 20, Elul, 5780, September 9, 2020, at 8:00pm EST.

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  • DR

    David Roizenblit -4 years ago

    Agree to disagree - Rabbi YY Jacobson

    Very good, however the Ponivizer Rov, Rabbi Yossef Shlomo Kahaneman never has children from his second marriage.

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Zoom Lecture Jewish Community of West Boca Raton

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • September 9, 2020
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  • 20 Elul 5780
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Sponsored in honor of Daniella Malkah Glantz's Birthday. May she continue to grow from strength to strength with all of hashem's blessings.

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