Siyum Mesechta Shabbos
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Part 2 of a two-part series by Rabbi YY Jacobson, "Understanding the Neshama of Masechta Shabbos." The class will study a Hadran of The Lubavitcher Rebbe on Masechta Shabbos, presented on Shabbos Parshas Shlach 5722-1962.
This class was presented on Thursday, 16 Av, 5780, August 6, 2020, 9:00pm EST streaming live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Siyum Mesechta Shabbos
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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kann -4 years ago
i dont think the last question of the lubavicher reba about rain was answered!! can you please answer it!
thank you
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Refael -4 years ago
In fact, in answering to the question on the melacha of hotsaa, it already included all other melachot because hotsaa is the paradigm and the prototype of all other melachot. So, it was useless to give specific answers for the other melachot.
Kol tuv
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Moshe -4 years ago
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1. We have learnt that all melochos of Shabbos are detivstivex of borer. Yet here we learn that all melochos are derivatives of hotzooh. Which is it?
2. Some paskim that a pre-nup is ok. Doesn't this resemble going in with a back door out prepared?
3. Hashem withdraws His energy on Shabbos and creations from His speech go up into His thoughts. Does this go time zone by time zone as Shabbos enters?
4. Any comments on the email analysis of time limited marrisge?
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Moshe -4 years ago
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1. We have learnt that all melochos of Shabbos are detivstivex of borer. Yet here we learn that all melochos are derivatives of hotzooh. Which is it?
2. Some paskim that a pre-nup is ok. Doesn't this resemble going in with a back door out prepared?
3. Hashem withdraws His energy on Shabbos and creations from His speech go up into His thoughts. Does this go time zone by time zone as Shabbos enters?
4. Any comments on the email analysis of time limited marrisge?
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Refael -4 years ago
melachot to create a michkan or melachot expressing the existence of a rechut ha-rabim ?
There is like a paradox : the 6 days correspond to the rechut ha-rabim and shabat to the reshut ha-yachid. And we learn the 39 forbidden melakhot from the 39 tasks to make the Sanctuary. But this Sanctuary was like the rechut ha-Yechido shel olam. So, from one side, we say that the 39 melakhot are reserved for the week which expresses the concept of reshut ha-rabim and from another side, these very same melakhot were destined to build a michkan which is like a reshut lHachem.
Please Rabbi, if you can explain me this paradox and give me your great light...
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Joseph Levin -4 years ago
Speaking about peoples' intentions when they marry, we actually were acquainted with a newly married couple in which the husband openly told us in front of his wife that they only had a civil marriage so it would be easier to get divorced if it became necessary. Not surprisingly, they divorced a few years later.
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Dr. Heshie Klein -4 years ago
rer Kesher
The fact that Icna make a temporary knot and it's mutar, and if 5 minutes later i change my mind and decide it should be
a permanent knot and it become assur, thisi shows that thoughts and intentions create reality!
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