Rabbi YY Jacobson at his bar mitzvah, in 1985, with his grandmother Mrs. Teibel Lipsker
Maasei Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Franki Cohen, for the Refuah Sheleima of Ezriel ben Mina
The women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Matos-Masei, 22 Tammuz, 5780, July 14, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Maasei Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Franki Cohen, for the Refuah Sheleima of Ezriel ben Mina
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Sidhaarth Radhakrishnan -2 years ago
Source sheets in English?
Hey there,
When will the source sheets be available for these great videos and in English?
To The Only Temple!
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Shmuel Rosenfeld -4 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
I enjoyed listening to your shiur.A beautiful insight into why Aharon of all tzadikim in the torah was metioned the date of his petira and only in parshat Masai.The idea for us to decide whether we want to be part of the churban or the binyam reminds me of a thought that came to mind that I heard from Rav Moshe Shapiro Shapiro zt"l and the present Tolna Rebbe yblt...Rav Moshe said sometimes we get so depressed at a close relatives death that we emotionally bury ourselves with the niftar and cant seem to get back to ourselves..said Rav Moshe..the word "Avel" (mourn) are the same letters for the word "Aval"-however..you can either remain in the abyss or rise to a greater level then before.Said the Tolna shlita in the name of the chiddushey Harim..אבל is the roshey taivot forאיך בין לסטיג.Im full of joy..its all where we want to be.
שנזכה ל..הפחת מספדי למחול לי..פיתחת שקי ותעזרני שמחה
Yasher Kochaha
Shmuel Rosenfeld
Har Nof,Yrushalayim
שנזכה ל.והראנו בבנינו ושמחנו בתיקונו בבמהרה בימינו..אמן
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malka -4 years ago
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Anonymous -4 years ago
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Tzivia Mashinsky -4 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
Thank you for the most meaningful tribute to my Bubby Ungar a'h, Tziporah bas R' Nuchem. Indeed, she lived a beautiful and ful'filled' life, passing away on 3 Tamuz, exactly 98 years after the day she was born.
Correction to one small detail: She survived Auschwitz with 3 sisters.
She built a beautiful family and merited to 'dance' in her heels at many great-grandchildrens weddings!
Gut Shabbos.
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joe -4 years ago
the raven
U asked in z aforementioned shiur
That being that
H” had told AH that he’d return to “afar”/עפר
How was he puzzled what to do with Hevel?
Actually if one looks @ “nature”
@a tree 4instance- z return עפר2
Is through decay. Why would he have been unsure oib azoiy?
Also maybe the Raven who aborted his mission on z Teyva bec of irrational jealousy; wasnt doing chessed @ all let alone shel emmes?? A person is choshed others often when possessing those very middos
...Maybe he had murdered a competitor, & was burying him to hide the evidence.
The raven After all לפי חזל is evidently highly intelligent, & capable even, of thinking like a member of the currently maurauding BLM MOB..!
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Moshe -4 years ago
Adam and Chava stumbled upon the lifeless body of their son
How did they even begin to understand the concept of actual physical death (altho it was decreed for them, they never had seen what it looks like) and what that meant?
"To dust you shall return" could also mean just to leave the lifeless body there on the ground to decompose and disintegrate into dust.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Aaron HaCohen was mourned BY ALL the yidden cuz he made peace
He made peace between spouses, even with "white lies". He made peace between friends and relatives. Maybe even between partners, sho knows?
Wait a minute.
Their food came from shomayin, and had almost any taste they desired , the water from a rock, the clouds smoothed the way and cleaned their clothes. Moshe was the teacher. They had the mishkan and palpable evidence of Hashem's prescence.All their spiritual and physical needs taken care of. (Ok, they rebelled often and eventually had to die in the midbar).
But besides knowing they would die in the midbar (not even true for the women, the Leviim, and those under 20 at the time of the decree); WHAT WAS THERE TO FIGHT ABOUT?
I guess there must have been something to fight about cuz Aaron had to make peace between spouses and family and friends.
And us, who must fight for our daily bread, can't see Hashem's prescence?
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Moshe -4 years ago
The Refuah precedes the illness
Just like the commandment to give a tithe of a certain exact number of captured Midianite slaves and cattle preceded the war and the capture of the exact amount of booty that would yield, by the percentages dictated, exactly that number of tithe.
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פינחס -4 years ago
שלום כבוד הרב שמעתי את השיעור היום יום שלישי מיותר לציין על היופי והחשיבות של השיעור חשבתי לספר לרב בנוגע לעניין שהרב דיבר על יום היארצייט .
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ella -4 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you for your zoom studies. I just came off of your 9:30 Torah study and I was deeply touched by the stories that you shared.
Thank you for the unique wisdom and insight you brought to the word of God, and for reminding us that there are very complex situations in the world that aren’t black and white.
Your message of universal love is one that struck me, and encourages me to allow the Lord to use me for that ferocious love you so beautifully described. I’d love to speak to you some if you ever have the time.
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Kaila -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago
An AMazing SHiur
Thank you just what I needed to hear
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Sara -4 years ago
Amazing and I think profound...
That Gd chose the Raven of all the possibilities to teach Adam and Chava what to do and how to go on.
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Anshel Grosz -4 years ago
Thank you for the nice Shiur.
Where is the Sfas Emes please you mentioned?
Also -
There is a very nice story that was told many times by the Klausenburger Rebbe Zt"l (Shefa Chaim)
There was an old woman in Krackow before the war and she only had 1 request , to be burried in the old רמ"א cemetery that wasnt in use anymore for over 200 years.
Always she saw someone she knew, she always asked the other person " please bless me to be burried in the old cemetery". Everyone blessed her and laughed, but she always answered OMAIN.
The day she passed away, there was heavy rain and fluds, it was impossible to burry in the new cemetery eventhough everythng they tried, and the Chevra Kadisha had no choice and were forced to burry her body in the old one
Thank you for all your amazing lectures!
Anshel Grosz
(We met last year Motze 17 Betamuz after Maariv, I came over to you in Beis Hamdrash....Einikel of R' Avrohom Werdiger...you were just learning the Rambam Pesicha to Maseches Shvuos if I dont mostake saying אינו דומה הלומד 100 פעמים ללומד 101)
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Likkutei Yehuda Matos
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Better Quality Live Video today
Hi Rabbi. Such a precious story about your grandmother... I can really relate to it. I am watching on your website today because your few classes on YouTube have had a strange repetition/delay and it is not occuring on this video today. Just thought you'd want to know.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
I meant to say your last few classes, last few days had a delay.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
The story of the girl that had the baby in France
Another beautiful story of Gd’s orchestration in our lives. I still think it’s a miracle.
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Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
Are the observances of a yortzeit post-biblical?
Of course the observances of a yortzeit by the family of a nifter or by yidden of a tzaddik or a godol or other great figure (e.g. Rachel's yortzeit) are common and known.
The date of the yortzeit of most great people in the Chumash isn't mentioned.
But, are the various yortzeit observances by family or by yidden as a whole, anywhere dictated or hinted to in the Torah or did they arise by decree or custom AFTER the Torah was given and written?
If it so that the yortzeit observances arose somehow AFTER the Torah was written, then it is no "peleh" (wonder) that the date of the yortzeit of biblical personalities are not mentioned. Is there ANY mention on chumash itself of ANYONE observing a yortzeit of anyone? Avraham buried Sarah but did he observe her yortzeit? Rochel died young, Yakov's "favorite" and he knew where he buried her. Did he visit the kever or observe the yortzeit any way?
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Alizah -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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chaim akerman -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Kaila STEMPEL -4 years ago
I would like to apply for Rabbi Jacobson's class, advertised on Yeshiva World. What are the terms for registering?
Kaila Stempel
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Rabbi YY Jacobson -4 years ago
I send out via email weekly essays and classes. I think you would enjoy some of them; if you would like to receive them, please click here: https://www.theyeshiva.net/jewish/2453
Also, if you want to receive my whatsapp clips, please click here: theyeshiva.net/whatsapp
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