Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff, in honor of Fraydel bas Sarah and Aharon ben Sarah. May Hashem bless them with a complete refuah shelaimah and many more good, long, healthy, happy and lucid years. May they continue to grow in Torah and mitzvahs with great simcha and nachas
This class by Rabbi YY Jacobson was presented Monday, 21 Tammuz, 5780, July 13, 2020
Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff, in honor of Fraydel bas Sarah and Aharon ben Sarah. May Hashem bless them with a complete refuah shelaimah and many more good, long, healthy, happy and lucid years. May they continue to grow in Torah and mitzvahs with great simcha and nachas
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Yehudit Spero -3 years ago
Doesn't Rabbi YY have a Rambam Yomi series?
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ben -4 years ago
why did the Rabbonim have to institute candle lighting if Sarah started the custom?
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Yossi Klein -4 years ago
One Chapter a Day Cycle
If one is following the cycle of learning One Chapter a day, isnt Thursday - Shabbos the Lo Sasei of sefer H'Mitzvos?
I see Rabbi YY class is scheduled as recording live on Yesodei Hatorah Ch 1.
Is he going ahead of the scheduled cycle?
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isaac -4 years ago
Yes, he is going a few days ahead.
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Mendel Zilberberg -4 years ago
The significance of the Rambam's codification of Torah
With respect to the comment asked about the Rambam
Aside from the obvious it may be helpful to note that :
If anyone has any question as to its significance, consider thinking how even in this day of ArtScroll, when finishing daf yomi on Shabbos ( Considering that there are probably more people who learn the daf today then there were people learning at the time of the Rambam) which laws are remembered from the Talmud - how many people can list the 39 avos melachos. Thereafter, line them up against people who learned Rambam yomi hilchos Shabbos -- ask them which laws they learned from the Rambam or how many avos melachos they can list. Consider that (when asdking this question today ) this is a time when we actually have Shulchan Oruch, Rave Shulchan Oruch, Mishna Berurah, Oruch Hashulchan, Shmiras Shabbos K’Hilchasa, Kitzur, Chayey Adam, and the list goes on.
In addition, Historically, the Rambam was arguably the tip of the spear against Karaim - whose rules were clearly set forth in the Torah
and arguably the Mishneh Torah was exactly what was needed to set forth and explain our Code of Torah Law incorporating the Talmud
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ruth -4 years ago
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SaraMalka Margolis -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sara -4 years ago
Gds sense of humor...
We Jews are never satisfied. We question, We discuss, We decpher. I guess that's a good thing. Gd made sure of it. 😇
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a l -4 years ago
the sound quality of these classes could be improved. perhaps the mic is not on the rabbis jacket lapel
please .
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Aharon -4 years ago
sound excellent here. perhaps a problem w/your own computer or speaker etc
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Moshe -4 years ago
"After my MT you don't need anything else"
Sounds a bit arrogant, no? Even tho the MT was unprecedented and gigantic. I guess Yosef Karo didn't agree. Even the Alter Rebbe. Or the Chofetz Chaim. Etc.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Later on in the MT Rambam lays out an entire encyclopedia of laws
At that time, circa 1200, by contrast, in England, the source of English common law for American law, when one person claimed another owed him money, i.e. a court case, they "settled" it by getting on their horses with long spears and the survivor of the joust "won" the court case!. The earliest semblance of written organized laws in England were the Blackstone commentaries in the 1600s!
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
Moshe Rabbenu received the Oral Torah in which there
Was ONLY one opinion. He didn't teach this way and that way. By the time of R. Yehuda nanasi writing the mishna, even tho all the yidden were close together, discrepancies in the law had crept in.
So in the mishna there was: "This one says X and that one says Y". 2 points along a spectrum. R. Yehuda hanasi wrote the range of opinion as it was at that time. He FROZE the parameters of the discrepancy as of that time so that more discrepancies could not occur beyond those parameters in the mishna.
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Alizah -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Alizah -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
Aliza.Take the EST and add 7
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Benzi -4 years ago
one bet din canceling what another one decrees
I think you said yesterday that after the Talmud was closed by Rav Ashi, no bet din could make a decree affecting all communities, and what one bet din decreed was not necessarily binding on another. But don't we have a rule that a bet din can cancel another bet din's ruling if the latter bet din is greater than the earlier one?
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Moshe -4 years ago
The Rambam's mesorah and the Kuzari
The Rambam gives us a solid chain of the Mesorah from Moshe and Sinai to Rav Ashi and the Bavli. Unlike other religions we have a solid chain of tradition going back to the the founding event.
The Mishne Torah in essence extracts halachas from a cholent of discussion and debate, not always conclusive with practical bottom line halacha, and organizes a meandering gemora. For the first time in our history, about a millenia after the Talmud, he extracts clear halachas and organizes them for ready access by subject.
But, it appears the Rambam assumes that the reader already believes in Hashem and in Mattan Torah.
The Kuzari, supposedly a fictional work about a historical fact of a debate that ultimately convinced the king of the Kuzars to convert who then converted his nation (verified by archeology recently), proves the fact of Mattan Torah itself.
So we have the Kuzari that proves Mattan Torah at Har Sinai and the Rambam's mesorah that proves the chain of tradition from Har Sinai down to the Talmud, which is he about to clarify conclusions and organize coherently.
One is the overall subject, the other its contents.
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Moshe -4 years ago
No yid left behind?
In a comment sunday I opined that there is no doubt that the national destiny for yidden (and the world) is Moshiach and the Geula. That's a no brainer, it's one of Rambam's 13 principles..
Its not question of whether, but when. And we can hasten it collectively and cumulatively.
I wasn't sure if that is also true for every single Jewish neshoma, tho it's a "beferesh" Avraham Fried song. There are Rabbi fear mongers out there who quote gemoras about the eternal punishments for those who commit serious aveirahs.
Rabbi Yy corrected my doubt by saying that surely every yid will part of the geula, "no yid will be left behind".
Is this true?
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